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Easton P.O.V
I finished up my last bit of work before turning off my computer and looking over at Elijah who was laying on the bed next to me babbling about nothing while playing with his stuffed elephant that his papa bought for him. Tomorrow was Elijah's birthday and that was the only thing I was focused on.

Not the fact that my boyfriend has been working late and then coming home smelling like perfume. I know Hassan. I know he would never cheat on me, but this shit is a little too much. Why are you staying out so late and why do you keep coming home smelling like a woman? You're supposed to be at work, why the fuck would you smell like a woman?

I guess...

I looked at Elijah who looked up at me once he noticed I was looking at him.

"Hi," he spoke waving his hand at me making me wave back chuckling.

"Hi, baby. What are you doing? Are you playing with your elephant?" I asked him as he just looked at me smiling.

"Daddy," he spoke making me smile at him.

"What man?" I asked him as he handed me his elephant. He stood up slowly and leaned over kissing the elephant once he stood up. He then pointed to him and I gave the elephant a kiss too. That made Elijah happy as he took him and started spinning around in a circle.

"Daddy," he said again making me look at him. "Daddy,"

"What dude? Why you keep calling me?" I asked him as he hugged me tightly whining out of no where. "What? You hungry?"

He whined again holding onto my shirt tightly making me sigh.

"Come on. Let's go feed you," I said to him as I carried him into the living room. I placed him inside of his high chair and strapped him in as I grabbed one of his Gerber mealtime dinners. I put it in the microwave for a little.m bit just to warm it up some. Today he was eating some mashed potatoes and seasoned beef in gravy with some mixed veggies on the side. One thing about my baby. He loved his veggies.

I grabbed his baby spoon and his sippy cup that I poured his Gerber white grape juice in. My baby was a Gerber baby.

I handed him his cup and he took a small sip before whining and throwing his head back.

"Boy, I'm about to give you the food hungry. Relax," I said to him as he pouted looking at me. I put some food on his spoon and fed it to him watching as he ate it. "Mmmm, so yummy,"

"Mmm," he repeated making me laugh at him and take out my phone. I took a few pictures of him before locking my phone and feeding him some more.

He picked up his bottle and handed it to me making me shake my head.

"No, daddy doesn't want any. You drink it," I told him making him take a sip of it before I fed him some more food. We finished up with our eating and I quickly washed him up since he managed to get food everywhere on him.

I haven't even fed myself today. Fuck.

Tomorrow was my baby's first birthday party at the park. We were having a picnic. I was making some sun sandwiches and bringing some snacks and stuff and so were the rest of the fam. I invited my dad too. And Hassan's parents. They never got the chance to meet him. It was just a lot going on, but now I wouldn't mind them meeting. We've talked on the phone about it recently, but then everything started going south so we had to postpone it. The original plan was to go there to their house for a BBQ, but this was better for us. They didn't mind it either.

They were also gonna being there portable grill and grill some food to go along with our picnic foods. Hassan was supposed to be coming home today with the cake. There's this one bakery that we love that has overnight pickups so he should be getting that and bringing it home. I would have went, but he told me he would go get it and that since he knew the baker better than I did, he could get a discount from him. The cake was all vanilla because...ew chocolate...and had an elephant on it since that seemed to be Elijah's new fascination ever since Hassan bought him this damn elephant. It was his best friend. I even caught him one day holding the stuffed animal in the toilet while scrubbing his head like I do his.

Easton's Got a SecretOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora