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Easton P.O.V
"-st. East. EAST!" I heard making me open my eyes and look around nervously. What the fuck? "Hey, I didn't mean to scare you, but wake up. We have to start getting ready to leave,"

"I don't wanna," I mumbled in a hoarse voice. I May or may not have cried myself to sleep last night. I was just overwhelmed and thinking about everything. I think that was my last cry because I felt so relieved after. I needed to get that out of my system before I went back home. Knowing them they would be trying to make me cry again, but I hopped I got all my tears out now.

The next time I cried was going to only be if it was tears of joy. I'm not crying over that nigga no more. Last night was it.

I'm good.

"Come on East. You promised them you would come and I'm gonna be with you so you won't be alone. I won't let anyone hurt you East. It's gonna be fun to see your family and everything and eat some good home cooked food. I promise it's gonna be a chill day. You wanna wear my hoodie today?" He asked me as I pouted nodding my head.

He has this one oversized hoodie that he normally wears that's all black with some graphic designs on the back. It was nice. The thing was I had really grown to love his scent. Just like know who...the certain smell of him just got me. Dream too sometimes.

There was something about Hassan's smell though that did something to me. He smelled sooo good and that was before he used this certain lotion and cologne. Even before his body wash. He just had a distinct smell that was really comforting to me. I just loved smelling him.

He knew it too because I found him wearing the hoodie for a while and then letting me wear it. He would never say anything about to it, but I knew he knew. He's so thoughtful. How did I never see what was right in front of me? I was blinded by good dick for a second, but I really didn't think he liked me like that.

I'll admit I did have a crush on him at one point, but I never though he was gay or bi or pan. He only ever dated girls and when I came out to him he never said me too. How was I to know he was in love with me?

I guess it doesn't matter now though because we're getting there. Even though it took me getting pregnant and cheated on, we still found eachother in that way. When he said he want-no we he said he was going to marry me and that I was going to be his husband I could have melted right there. Like I couldn't say anything, but I love you. Because I did and I always have. Now it's a different type of love that I feel may have always been there. I'm starting to think he was right about us being soulmates, but I just didn't know it yet.

I know now and I'm happy it's him. When I get my shit together I'm about to be all over this nigga. My bestfriend and I are really in love. I feel like a hoe for being in love this soon after I just broke up with my boyfriend not too long ago. If I loved him first though does it...see it doesn't even matter. Fuck Apollo and fuck other people's opinion.

I know how I feel and what happened, so does Hassan. We're not even dating right now. We're taking it slow and he's letting me get myself together. Dream doesn't judge me either. I love her. I'm good with just those two.

And my baby Elijah. I can't believe he's really gonna be here in a month. This is crazy.

"Yes. I want your hoodie," I told him as he nodded his head.

"May I?" He asked me looking at my belly. I nodded my head making him lean down. "Hey little baby," he spoke kissing my belly softly before taking the hoodie off and helping me put it on.

I stood up slowly feeling how heavy he really was making me sigh. Heavy ass baby. Watch him be small as fuck though.

"East, we're gonna get breakfast on the road, but do you need any help before I go take our bags down?" He asked me as I shook my head.

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