Part 1; [New School]

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*I'm massively editing this story but I'm keeping the old story so anything past Part 27; Qutting Again will be the new and improved story*

Two words I'm dreading already, new school. I moved from Miyagi. I spent most of my childhood in Miyagi and now I live in Tokyo. Going from a country to a big city is a very different and difficult change. I've met only a few people since moving here and there in my grade. Two people, Momoi Satsuki and Aomine Daiki. They both go to my new school, Teiko Junior High.

Momoi is my next-door neighbor and Daiki is her best friend, so I've heard her ranting. She also has been trying to convince me to be the second manager with her on the boys' basketball team. I don't know if I want to be on a team because I don't know how long we're going to be here.

Though I'll need something to fill my time while I'm here. So maybe I will become the second manager just to fill my time. The first day of being at a new school was full of introducing myself to my classes. All boring things. Something I've always hated was the first day of school.

Today is my fifth day of being at this new school. This means the fifth day of Momoi begging me to be a manager and to be quite frank I'm getting sick of it. Walking on campus seeing many heads turn since I'm still 'The New Kid'. Momoi spots me and starts rushing toward me with a sheet of paper in her hands. It is an application for a club I can already tell.

"Sawamura-chan!!" She waves me down and I sigh, "Look what I scored!" She smiles so brightly, "I got you a manager application!" She said, handing me the piece of paper.

I smile, "Is this your way of saying you really want me as your second manager?" I ask as she quickly nods, "I guess I'll be your second manager, Momoi-chan"

She jumps into my arms, "Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah," I said as I let go of her and start to walk to class.

"Anyways you're gonna help me with the first string because we have a big team and the other managers are for the other strings," She starts to explain since we both have the same homeroom, "We have eight players at the moment so you'll be meeting a bunch of people today!"

Great more introductions, "Sounds like fun," I groan.

She rubs my back, "You'll get through it, Sawamura-chan. Plus it won't be that bad I promise."

"I just want to get the introductions out of the way," I say as I put my arm around her shoulder and she does the same to me. I know we'll be good friends no matter how long I'm going to be staying here.

"Yeah I can tell you don't like people around new people but that's alright Sawamura-chan you've got me to get you through it!" She said once we reached our classroom.


Eight hours later and school was finally over. Now I have to meet the basketball team and Momoi is making me meet her there because our teacher needed something from her which is great because I'm going to be alone with a bunch of new people.

I walked to the gym where Momoi showed me lunch. I take a deep breath before heading into the gym. Once I walk in I see Aomine which means I'm no longer really alone with a bunch of people I don't know. I wave to Aomine and he smiles.

"Hey, Sawamura-chan!" He waves me over, "Are you here to be our second manager like Momoi has been begging?" He asks as I nod. He put his arm around my shoulder, "Hey everyone I'd like to introduce someone to you guys!"

He ends up gaining the attention of several guys, "This is Sawamura-chan she's going to be our second manager!" He said brightly, "Sawamura-chan these are our captain, Nijimura Shuzo and Akashi Seijuro," He points to two guys, "They are Murasakibara Atsushi, Mdormina Shintaro, Kubota Masaya, Sekiguchi Toru, and that's Haizaki Shogo."

I wave to them, "I'm Sawamura Y/n I'm from Miyagi Prefecture. It's nice to meet you guys."

"It's great to have you, Sawamura-san!" Nijimura said as he waves.

"Anyways, where is Satsuki?" Aomine asks me.

I shrug, "Our teacher asked her to do something so she said to meet her here."

Everything was fine and I was just chatting away with Aomine until the door slammed open and Momoi walked in with her bright smile like always.

"Sawamura-chan you're here!" She shouts as she jumps and hugs me.

"Momoi-chan, what took you so long?" I ask as she just changes the subject asking me for my application. 

Drama Between Schools; Haikyuu x Kuroko no BasketballNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ