Part 21; New School

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It's gonna be weird not seeing Ryota at school but I'll get through it. Luckily not a lot of people know I'm dating THE Kise Ryota. The first day they had a club fair so I went around looking for the basketball booth. I smiled when I saw the female coach sitting there.

I walked up, "Hi I'm Sawamura Y/n can I fill out an application?" I asked as the coach smiled, handing me one. I quickly filled out my name 'Sawamura Y/n' and my past school 'Teiko Junior High'. "I look forward to working with you, Aida Riko," I say smiling as I walk away to find my homeroom.

I walk in looking around not seeing anyone I knew from last year. Once I sat down, someone came up to me. It was Kuroko. I smiled as he sat in front of me. He turned to face me, "I didn't think you'd come."

"Let's just say I was excited about a female coach," I say as I smiled, "I mean Ryota is still upset that I didn't go to Kaijo with him but still he understands how bad I wanna work with the coach here."

He nodded. We had a while before we needed to be in here but a few people were in the room talking to each other. "Momoi asked why I wasn't going to any other school."

I chuckled, "I know she wanted to go to the same school as you but she had to go with Aomine he's her best friend so of course she'll follow him."

"I know." He plainly says.


The day was filled with syllables, something I'm never looking for during the first day of school. But now that it's over I can go to the first practice at Seirin. I've never been so excited to work with a coach. Maybe it's because she's just a year older than me and she's a female coach. Not a lot of people see a female coach around Tokyo.

I grab my things and change into shorts and a tee shirt. I walk into practice seeing a bunch of guys just standing around waiting. I looked around and saw Kuroko standing in the back. No one seemed to notice him so I acted like I didn't see him.

I stand there with my arms crossed waiting for the coach to come in. I hear people start walking in it was the upperclassmen there all second years with the one-third year but he's on leave right now.

"Alright shirts off," Aida yelled but then she turned to me, "We can do yours in private if you want."

I smirked knowing if Ryota was here he would be against it but I'm not, "Nah." I say as I take my tee-shirt revealing my favorite black sports bra. "I played volleyball in elementary school. I haven't since I moved to Tokyo," I say as she analyzed my body.

"You were a manager at Teiko with the generation of miracles?" She asked as I nodded.

She went on to look at the guys. I didn't bother putting my shirt back on. I saw Kuroko standing there with his shirt still on. She's going to be disappointed when she sees his numbers so low. But he'll be one of the best first-year players.

Once she reached the last guy she turned to me, "Is Kuroko Tetsuya here?" She asked.

I chuckled, turning to Kuroko who finally saw, "I've been here the whole time."

They all jump and she orders him to take his shirt off she was disappointed by his numbers, and of course, she wondered how he played at Teiko.

He turned to me, "Kise won't be too happy if he hears you were like that Sawamura." He said while he put his shirt back on.

"Yeah yeah," I pouted as I put my shirt back on.

"Let's get this practice started," Coached yelled, getting everyone's attention.

Drama Between Schools; Haikyuu x Kuroko no BasketballWhere stories live. Discover now