Part 11; Leaving Already

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Today is the day I leave for Miyagi. Haizaki demanded he take me to the train station, but I knew I couldn't make him stay home. Which is somewhat of a pain in the ass. But It is what it is. All I want is to get away for a tiny bit.

No one else came. I was a little disappointed that no one on the team came by to say goodbye. I don't think they know if I'm coming back. I don't know if I even want to come back. This school is just full of drama and I just can't take it anymore.

"Do you have to go?" He asked. I knew he wasn't going to like my answer. But he needs to know the truth for this relationship to work.

I sighed, "Yeah, I need this break from all the drama coming from that school."

He crossed his arms since he knew it was almost time for me to go. I knew he would hate that I'm going to be 5 hours away. And he can't come to see me whenever he wants. Though it's whatever for me.

"I guess this is goodbye huh?" He said blankly. I nodded not wanting to say anything.

"Yeah, but it isn't a forever goodbye okay!" I smiled trying to cheer him up but I knew it wouldn't do anything he will still be upset that I'm gone.

"THE TRAIN RIDE TO MIYAGI IS LEAVING IN 5 MINUTES!" The intercom yelled as I stood there looking into Shogos eyes. He kisses my forehead before turning and leaving. I looked to the ground as I turned to board the train.

This is a good thing. Right? Maybe it should be good but who knows what will happen before I get back to Tokyo for my last year of Junior High. So many thoughts ran through my head while I sat in my seat staring at the passing scenery.

This will be good! At least I hope....

Drama Between Schools; Haikyuu x Kuroko no BasketballWhere stories live. Discover now