Part 23; Practice Match

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I missed Ryota so much but he asked if I could try and set up a practice game and so I did against his team. I knew I wouldn't be able to kiss him as I would but his school would be watching and his agent told us not to put it public yet.

First I gotta tell the team about the practice game with Kaijo. Which I think they'll be pretty pumped about. When I left Kagami tried to play one on one with Ryota which he failed miserably.

Once I got to the gym I saw everyone there waiting for my good news. I walk up next to Coach and I smile brightly, "I have amazing news for you guys!" I say as their eyes lit up when I said, "We have our first practice game!"

"With who?" Kagami asked, all fiery.

"Kaijo is one of the top schools and it took a lot of convincing from the old man," I whine as I cross my arms.

Aida pouted as well, "I know I tried before he wouldn't take it." She glared at me, "You probably got help from your boyfriend." She pointed out.

I put my hands up, "A girl never reveals her secrets."

"So you did get help from him," She grumbled.

"I guess you'll never know," I shrug as I head to the club room to change.


We are going up against Kaijo today. I told Aida that I'd meet them there because Ryota wanted to walk me there but I didn't mind. He had his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the gym.

"Where have you been Kise?" One of his teammates yelled at him.

He put his hands up, "I was just walking the manager of Seirin here."

The guy walked over here with a blush on his face, "Is he bothering you?"

I chuckled, "He's been bothering me since middle school," I say as Ryota's jaw dropped.

"I have not Y/n-cchi," He said while crossing his arms.

"Do we need a repeat of our second year?" I asked as his eyes widened but he quickly shook his head. I pulled out my phone, "Ryota there, why don't you go get them? I have a water bottle to fill," I say, grabbing my bag and heading to a water fountain.

"How do you know Kise?" The same guy followed me and asked.

I smiled, "He's been a close friend since my second year in middle school plus I was a manager at Teiko Junior High alongside Momoi Satsuki." I say as I filled up the last one putting it back in my bag.

He crosses his arms, "He says he has a girlfriend, do you know who she is?"

I laughed, "I know all about her, nothing you'll have to worry about," I say as I walk back to the gym, seeing my team already there.

"Y/n-cchi I'm being attacked," Ryota said while hiding behind me.

"What do you want me to do about Ryota?" I asked as I walked over to our bench, setting the water bottles down.

He put his hands up, "I don't know if your girlfriend can save me."

Once he said that his whole team turned to me, "Idiot." I grumble, "Doesn't mean I can do anything you dumbass," I say shaking my head.

He pouted, "Why not?"

"Because I can't Ryota," I say as I walk over to Aida. "The coach here is kind of overconfident so he won't put Ryota in right away. That's when we show him that we're gonna need him to put him in," I said as she walked over to our bench.

She nodded, "Alright Kagami, Kuroko, Hyuga, Izuki, and Mitobe you're starting to warm up."

They all nodded before going into the game. We can do this.

Drama Between Schools; Haikyuu x Kuroko no BasketballWhere stories live. Discover now