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We reached there in 30 minutes.

Jin was talking to the businessmen's And I am seated alone. My eyes never leave Jin. I was checking out him. He is looking the most handsome of all the men. He is brightening like a moon in the sky. The way moon attracts. Everyone among the stars.

I smiled inside. My moon. I murmured.

He came to me. And pull out  his arm. I hold it. Then one couple walked towards us. Jin smiled after seeing them, so I also smiled.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, meet her; she is my wife. He introduced me. And my heart flutters when he claims me as his own. That. I say hello to them. I shake my hand at the women.

"Hello, Mrs. Kim, it's nice to meet you. Mr. Kim, you are lucky that you have this beautiful wife, she said. I smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Jones; you are also very beautiful, I said. She smiled. After talking to them, They left. 

Jin leaned close to my ears. And whispered. "Don't take her seriously. He said. I looked towards him, and he chuckled.

Then we both looked towards there, where everyone was gathered in between the halls. Then Mr. and Mrs. Jordge said: So it's cake time, she said. And a waitress came inside with a big cake. Everyone started clapping.

After the cake was cut, everyone started dancing. I was looking there. Jin and I are standing beside each other. He is drinking wine.

I wanted to dance with him, so I stood in front of him, took a glass from his hand, and placed it on the table. He looked at me confused. I held his hand and dragged him in between a dancing hall. "What are you doing? He asked. Don't you know? I want to dance with you.

She placed his hand on her waist and started vibing with the music. Seokjin started moving with her body, and they both looked into each other's eyes. They forgot everything and just lost touch with each other. He pulled her closer to him. They are inches apart from each other's faces. Seokjin continuously stared at her lips, then slowly leaned towards them. They flinched when everyone started clapping for them. Jin smiled, and Yn stood beside him.

Then Mr. Jorge laughed. "Well done, Mr. Kim."That's impressive. Mrs. Jorge also complimented them; you both look stunning together. Yn. Blushes, and thanks to her.

Then Mr. and Mrs. Jorge started dancing, and we were just chating. Someone tapped on Jin's shoulder, so he turned around.

I also turned back. I saw a girl. Standing there, Jin didn't move or say a word. I stared, Jin. His face has become pale.

Before that girl speaks anything, Jin held my wrist and dragged me out of there.

Something is not good. I can feel his expressions. "What happened, Jin? I asked, and he didn't reply; he was just walking fast to the parking lot. "Who is that girl? I asked myself. I know he is not comfortable sharing with me right now, so I keep quiet And seated inside the car.

We reached our mention. Before I enter in my room I need to watch Jinwu.  what he is doing. I saw he was sleeping. Peacefully, I kissed his forehead and covered him. with the blanching properly.

And started walking out. I entered my room. I walked towards the bathroom, but before I could enter inside, I saw Jin. He is standing under the shower.

He only wore his pents. I am really worried and confused at the moment. What happened with him? Who is she? Why is he behaving like that?

I didn't disturb him. I walked back to my room. And I waited for him. After some time, he walked out. I saw him; he didn't speak a word and didn't stand in front of the mirror. Where are you going, Jin? I asked. He didn't turn back. "I have work to do; I am in the study room. He said that and walked out.

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