58 | sirens

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by the time it was morning they all ended up waking up way later. taehyung and jungkook were up off and on all night and morning because of hyeon which was common of course. it was around three in the evening, taehyung and jungkook just woke up from getting some extra sleep. jimin woke up first around twelve and wanted to take hyeon downstairs so that jungkook and taehyung could get some sleep. 

by the time they had woken up and got ready for the day, they both went downstairs to see the others were watching tv. 

"did you guys make yourself something to eat when you woke up?" jungkook asked, heading to the kitchen. 

"yeah we all just had cereal when we woke up, the news update is on in five minutes" jimin replied, who had just finished changing hyeon's diaper. 

jungkook past taehyung a hot chocolate before they headed towards the lounge. sitting down on the couch as the news came on, they all zoned out a little until she started to talk about the updates on the shooting. 

"they have still not found the shooter but his name is marcus dully, he is dangerous and is expected to be holding a weapon. if you see him please do not try to have any contact with him, contact the authorities. lockdown level has gone down to one. we plead with you all to be safe and to stick close to your loved ones"

"there will be many officers walking around towns and streets, please dont feel threatened if they come up to you. if your unsure get them to show you a badge." 

taehyung's mind blurred as the news presenter continued to talk. he still does not feel safe when he knows the shooter is still out there, he let out a shaky breath that was noticed by jungkook who placed his hand on the males thigh and got namjoon to turn off the tv. 

"I think we should all do something today, get our minds off all of this" the raven mentioned, peeking the others interest. 

"what are you thinking?" jin asked who had hyeon in his arms. 

"picnic on the beach" jungkook suggested, he smiled when they all nodded and started to get ready. 

"at least it is a nice day" taehyung said, holding the picnic basket as he looked at jungkook who had hyeon in his arms. they were all headed towards the beach, it was a short walk from jungkook's house. 

as soon as taehyung feet met the sand he let out a content sigh. namjoon placed two large blankets on the ground, they all sat on them as they started to take out the food. 

"let me shove this umbrella here, it would be good for hyeon to be covered" hoseok said. 

taehyung smiled when he turned his attention to jungkook who was holding hyeon in his arms, changing him into cooler clothes. whenever jungkook made silly faces at hyeon and the little one stared up at him.. taehyung could see the amount of love that was there. 

he wished he could capture it and stay in this part of time forever. 

"are you all still planning to live here?" taehyung asked, taking a bite of the sandwiches that jin made. 

"I am going to london for three months to study and to get experience for a job I want" jin said first. 

"I am staying" hoseok said, yoongi and jimin following along with him. 

"I am going with jin for the three months and then we are coming back" namjoon replied, handing jin a drink. as time went on they all shared memories over the long friendship they have had, enjoying the waves of the beach crashing against the sand. 

"jungkook" yoongi said in a serious voice, staring off in the distance. everyone fell silent and turned their attention towards where yoongi was looking. jungkook's eyes landed on a police officer who was walking towards them. as soon as he saw taehyung get nervous and shuffled behind him he stood up, along with yoongi, hoseok and namjoon as they walked towards the police officer. 

they all blocking the police officer from going anywhere near jimin, jin, taehyung and hyeon. 

"can we help you?" jungkook asked the officer, after looking back at taehyung to see him holding hyeon close to him. 

"hey guys. I am a police officer, here is my badge I was just wondering if it was okay if I could ask you some questions?" the police officer asked. 

after jungkook looked at the badge he nodded, walking back over towards the blanket before sitting down behind taehyung. 

"I completely understand why everyone is so nervous to talk to people they dont know, so as I ask these questions if any of you need some space please let me know" the officer said, grabbing his note pad out as he clicked his pen. 

"so you all go to whitianga?" was the first question he asked, they all nodded in return. 

"were you all there during the graduation?" they all nodded again. 

"can any of you share any details about it?" the officer asked, looking between all the males who all were staring off in a random direction. 

"he had a black cap on, black jumper and pants. he seemed really emotional at the start but then grew angry in a matter of seconds. he aimed right at the crowd after yelling out that he was meant to graduate and they did not let him" taehyung said, staring at the sand. 

"after he started shooting at the crowd, everything turned into chaos. people were everywhere, screaming and crying. glass was shattered, he aimed everywhere. it did not look like he was great at aiming, as soon as he shot around the crowd the gun went everywhere"

"that is all we know. we are all surprised he has not been found" taehyung commented, looking at the officer who was writing things down. the officer thanked them for sharing what they could and apologised for what they have been through. 

they all flinched when the loud siren blasted. they all shot their heads towards the police officer who had frozen as if he was waiting for something. three siren blasts, back and forward and soon he grabbed his intercom. 

taehyung looked at jungkook while the raven looked back at him, pecking his cheek softly. the raven could tell taehyung was on edge, it made him feel so hopeless. 

"get back in your house now!" the officer called, his voice panicked. taehyung immediately got up, taking hyeon from jin. jungkook quickly packed everything up with the help of namjoon, jin, hoseok, yoongi and jimin. 

"taehyung head up first!" jungkook instructed, getting jimin to go with him while they try to pack everything up quickly. they did not even ask what was going on, with everything that was happened they just knew it might not be good. 

"keep your doors locked, windows shut and curtains as well." the officer said looking at jungkook who nodded his head. 

"that alarm means that the suspect has been cornered somewhere or has been spotted close by. the government decided to set off the alarm so that people would rush inside whatever building they are in to keep safe" the officer said.

"thank you sir. I better go." jungkook said shaking the officers hand before running up the sand to get back to the house. 

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