43 | a beautiful thing.

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it was the last week of school and taehyung was so excited, he woke up quite early this morning. he wanted this week to go so fast. he had to present his art piece today, he felt quite nervous for it as his last portrait for the square is jungkook. 

he had not told the raven, it was going to be a little surprise. what was making him so nervous is that he had to explain in a little detail why he picked what he did to draw, what made it so special. he had finished his art piece and it was in the art room, in a storage space for students that could not take it home. 

he had no idea what jungkook's reaction was going to be, he just hopes the male wont feel embarrassed. taehyung let out a small yawn as he continued to eat his breakfast. the brunette could not wait to graduate on friday, he was so excited. 

he had been texting jungkook all morning, both of them sharing their excitement for finishing school. taehyung drove himself to school, he texted the raven to let him know but did not tell him why. 

he wanted to do some finishing touches for his art piece. taehyung was currently in a empty classroom, going over what he was going to say about his portrait on his phone. he had just edited the last bit of the brainstorm and quickly packed up as soon as he saw he had a missed text message from jungkook. 

kook: hey babe, I am at school. 

kook: where are you?

kook: I tried to look for you but had no luck, I will be out on the field when you see this

taehyung cursed slightly, not even realising that jungkook messaged him and he had not replied back in awhile. he quickly left the classroom after placing his things back in its spot before heading straight towards the field. 

when he exited the building his eyes scanned for jungkook, not able to find him until he heard his boyfriends cute laugh. he turned his head to the side and found the male laughing with a group of people. 

taehyung was about to walk over there when he noticed jimin, jin, hoseok, yoongi and namjoon. but stood still when he saw many other faces he did not know. some of them girls and others boys. 

they both were open and out about their relationship but taehyung still got paranoid over the looks he received. he hated the attention he was getting but he liked jungkook so much that it was all worth it. 

he was about to step forward to head towards them when all their heads turned at him. it made taehyung freeze on the spot again, having all their eyes on him was overwhelming. jungkook noticed taehyung's tense body language and cleared his throat. 

gathering his friends attention before grabbing his bag and jogging towards taehyung. he pulled taehyung into his arms as soon as they were close to each other, jungkook wrapped his arm around his boyfriends shoulder as they walked back inside. 

"sorry babe, I did not think they would all look at you. I understand how that would make you uncomfortable" jungkook whispered, looking at taehyung who shook his head. 

"no, im sorry you left. you could of stayed. I was coming towards you anyways but when they all looked at me it just startled me a little" taehyung replied, lacing his fingers with the raven's. 

"I was wanting to leave anyways. it was originally just me and the others then other people started to hang with us" the raven commented, pecking the side of the brunette's head before they headed towards their first class. 

once they arrived at their first class, people started to rush in. a lot of people talking about how they are shocked that time has gone by so fast. others sad that this was the last class of the day. when the teachers came in and separated one class from the other, splitting the rooms into two. 

"I know this is a little bit of a hassle but we have to work with it. this is your last art class and for the others this is your last class for the subject you have, while you finish off your assessments in silence... my class will be presenting their art work"

"you may watch, but keep quiet and show respect to those presenting" the art teacher said, looking at the other teacher who sat at one of the desks and nodded towards the teacher. 

"now that is out the way, layla... your presenting first" the art teacher called out after looking at a piece of paper that was on his office desk. jungkook could not help but to steal glances at his boyfriend who was looking pretty nervous. 

all he wanted to do was to comfort him, he knows how much the male hates presenting or public speaking. a lot of people do. 

the raven was also interested to see what taehyung's art piece was going to be, he knew he was not allowed to see it as taehyung always hid it from him. he was surprised to see that the students had to go in depth about why they picked these art pieces to draw and capture. 

the first three you give a brief description about but then the fourth square you go more in depth. 

"taehyung your turn" the teacher called out, jungkook placed his pen down and sat back in his chair. he did not want to make taehyung more nervous but he was to interested to not watch. when taehyung walked up to the front of the class and leant his art portrait against the stall, he uncovered it from the blanket. 

all anyone could see was four white squares covering over each drawing. 

"the first thing I decided to draw and capture is the rivers" taehyung whispered, taking away one square as everyones eyes were drawn towards the beautiful art piece. 

"the rivers to me are calming. coming from a town that was filled with crime, loud noises and rude people everywhere you went, to moving to a town that was peaceful and very nature based in everything people do here... it is different. the rivers and the beach—"

which was the next square taehyung uncovered. 

"these were the first places that I spent a lot of my time down here, the rivers and the beach. usually im by myself all the time, and when your alone you can start to overthink, create the worse case scenario in your head. it at times feels like a war zone in my own head. but whenever im at the beach I feel at peace" taehyung explained, moving his hand over to the next square. 

some people aw'ed and gasped at the next drawing which was of a beautiful mountain that no one had seen here before. 

"I know we had to pick four things that mean a lot to us here, at the moment I had three places. but this place means so much to me, it reminds me of all the happy moments I had. it reminds me of what I had, and what is now gone. this mountain is the closest thing I have to my grandparents" 

"losing both my grandparents in a span of 5 months is something that destroyed me, something I am still trying to navigate through. my nan and grandpa are my bestfriends, they were my safe place. and whenever I see that mountain it reminds me of all the feelings I had towards them that disappeared when they passed"

"the feeling of safety, love, care, interest, warmth and so much more" taehyung whispered. his hand hovering over the last and as soon as the square was away jungkook's eyes widened as soon as he recognised himself in the ocean surfing. 

"ever since I lost my grandparents I have felt like I was falling slowly into a dark pit and I was never going to get out. until I met this guy surfing. he listened, he opened his arms, he never judged me and he never saw my feelings as a weakness. I added this to my board cause he is beautiful..... a beautiful person, human, soul."

"whenever I am with him, I am happy, safe, calm and I feel like myself again. I trust him with my life, he is my other half and my joy. and that is a beautiful thing" taehyung whispered, soon making eye contact with jungkook was was currently wiping his own tears that were rolling down his cheeks. 

"that was beautiful taehyung, I can see all your visions, emotions and that is exactly what I was looking for. fantastic work" the art teacher said as he started clapping, the classes following along as taehyung covered his art work and walked back to his desk. 

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