57 | safe in your arms

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you could tell by the air in the room that everyone felt more relaxed but still a little on edge.

"we keep hearing police cars driving past even though it has been hours since the incident" taehyung commented

"yeah I was going to mention that as well, and the roads are silent. the only cars that are really on the road are police officers and fbi. things like this dont normally happen here, the most common thing we get is natural disasters which is still quite rare here" namjoon replied, everyone started to share their thoughts on it. speculation was going everywhere as they all tried to wrap their heads around what happened today.

after they all finished dinner they cleaned up, made sure the kitchen was tidy before they all sat in the lounge. the news was about to come on any minute now, jimin had hyeon in his arms. taehyung rested his head against jungkook's shoulder.

"its on" namjoon said, grabbing onto the remote to turn up the volume.

"on three news tonight we have a lot to get through so we wont take forever. a series of 111 calls were made from around the whitianga school, calling to say people heard multiple gunshots. police were immediately dispatched to the school only to find multiple students shot and many still un-accounted for"

"what we have heard from police is that at the school's graduation ceremony a angry male came up onto the stage and grew quite frustrated, which lead him to shooting at the seated students. I am deeply saddened to announce the deaths of ten students and four teachers."

taehyung gasped, along with the others. they all hoped that there would be no casualties.

"whitianga highschool is now a active crime scene, if you have any information about what happened I plea with you to contact the authorities. the shooter has not been found, he fled the scene before officers got there"

"what how?! we drove past them when they were so close to the school and the guy was still there!" jungkook explained, throwing a hand in the air as it blew his mind that he escaped.

"the lockdown is still at level three and will stay that way until we here more from the governor. we advise you to keep your houses locked, dont let anyone in unless you see a police badge or a government officer"

"we will be back with more updates shortly" and that was the update, the room was now silent besides the ad's that were shown on the tv. 

"half of me had a gut feeling that people did die, but I did not want to believe it" jin whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear. 

"Im glad you all are okay" yoongi said, running his hands through his hair. it was one thing they could all agree on. jungkook looked at the time when his eyes started to become heavy. 

"we should all get going to bed" jungkook said as they all stood up. 

"while you guys were showering and helping with the food, taehyung and I set up area's for you all to sleep in. we have three rooms, taehyung and I sleep in one, hyeon has one that he will move into when he is a little older then we have a office. we have a double bed made in hyeon's room, then we have a couch in the office that flips into a bed that will fit two people and then we have a air mattress for one person"

"or there is the couch which is comfortable to sleep on." jungkook stated, taehyung got hyeon from jimin's arms as they let the others decide who sleeps where. after a few minutes they finally decided. 

"hoseok will stay with us in hyeons room, we will put the air bed in there. jin and namjoon will sleep in the office. I think we all will feel at ease knowing we are all sleeping on the same floor." jimin said. 

they all grabbed what they needed before heading upstairs, once they all said goodnight and shut their own doors the house fell silent. 

"you sure we will be safe?" taehyung asked, looking at jungkook after placing hyeon in his crib. 

"I promise, I set the alarms on so if anyone steps on the property a loud alarm would blast" the raven said as he headed towards the bathroom, leaning down to fill the bathtub. taehyung hummed and nodded as his eyes were now on hyeon who was just going back to sleep after being awake for a little while with jimin. 

he heard shuffling behind him, not sure on what jungkook was doing so he turned around to see the male place two sets of clothes on the bathroom sink. he watched as the raven walked to the bedroom door to make sure it was locked before walking over towards taehyung to softly grab his hand and lead him towards the bathroom. 

"what are you doing?" taehyung chuckled, looking at jungkook's serious face. 

"a relaxing bath" jungkook winked, turning the lights off in the bathroom and in the room. the brunette looked in the bathroom to see candles were lit and how the bath looked very inviting with all the bubbles. 

"you going to join me?" taehyung winked, grabbing the hem of his shirt to lift it over his head as he stepped inside the bathroom. 

jungkook chuckled and also did the same, once they both stripped from their clothes and laid in the bath tub taehyung could not help but to sigh when his back came in contact with jungkook's chest. 

the raven pecked his boyfriends shoulder before wrapping his arms around his waist. they left the bathroom door open so if hyeon woke up crying they would be able to hear, they just locked the bedroom door. 

"I keep thinking about how it could of been one of you that were part of the casualties" jungkook whispered, rubbing his thumb along taehyung's waist. 

"I want you and hyeon to live in a place that is not so dangerous, I thought it was safe here" jungkook continued, his voice heavy. taehyung linked their hands as he leant his head back a little more to peck jungkook's cheek. 

"kook, crime happens everywhere. its not the place, its the people. its a lot worse in other places. this island is safe, its some of the people who arent. I love it here, and want to spend the rest of my life here with you and hyeon."

"it is the perfect place to raise a family"

"I knew I did not want to go back home, I miss my family but what I have found here is something the makes my heart so light and so happy. once they catch the shooter, I am sure this place will go back to how it use to be" taehyung replied, pecking jungkook's cheek again. 

"I love you" taehyung whispered, eyes now locked with jungkook. 

"I love you so much more" jungkook replied, his eyes softened as they both connected their lips. these were taehyung's favourite type of kisses, slow, passionate, filled with many emotions. the raven tilted his head to the side as their lips moved together. taehyung's hand on jungkook's chest as neither of them wanted to stop. 

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