54 | graduation

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walking down the hallways of the school definitely was nerve racking to taehyung. he had a baby vest around his chest with hyeon inside, all nice and warm. he was sleeping against taehyung's chest, little ear muffs by his ears to prevent him from being startled by the noise. 

jungkook's large group of friends were walking behind them as they walked towards the field where the graduation was being held. all the students were heading there now as it was about to start. the raven made sure to link their hands as soon as they stepped through those doors. 

he knew the looks they were going to get from people was going to overwhelm taehyung, so he gently held his hand and rubbed smooth and small circles along his hand. the brunette really appreciated it, he felt more calm as time went by. 

"we should find our seats" jungkook said, scanning the chairs to look at all the names. they both turned around when a teacher called out their names. 

"taehyung! we put a seat for you and jungkook at the back that is under the umbrella, we were worried that baby might be in the sun for way too long and thought it would be good to have some shade. we also have permission from the principal to let you both know that once you have received your certificates you both dont have to stay. we have let those who do have young ones go when they have received their certificates" the teacher said. taehyung and jungkook both bowed towards the lady. 

"thank you so much, we really appreciate it" taehyung said, following the teacher to the back of the chairs. he turned his head a little to make sure jungkook was still following him, and when they both sat down immediately jungkook's arm was around his shoulder. 

"how are you feeling?" the raven asked. 

"I just want this to be over so we can go home, watch a movie with hyeon and cuddle in bed" taehyung whispered. 

"ugh, that sounds like a dream" jungkook sighed, pecking the side of taehyung's head before their attention was brought to the front of the ceremony. all the students watched as the principal started the graduation ceremony with a long ass speech. the raven could not help but to let out a small yawn. his eyes on hyeon who was sleeping peacefully. jungkook linked his fingers through taehyung's, giving it a small squeeze. 

jungkook felt relieved when they started to call out names. the raven felt proud when he watched all his friends walk across that stage and get their certificate.

"kim taehyung" taehyung stood up when his name was called and walked towards the stage. the raven's eyes got teary when he watched his boyfriend walk across that stage with hyeon in his arms. his bright smile was the first thing taehyung saw when the brunette walked back to his seat. 

"jeon jungkook" taehyung sat down when jungkook stood up, he blushed when the raven bent down to kiss his cheek before he headed towards the stage. 

"thats your daddy" taehyung whispered to hyeon. the brunette's proud eyes never leaving jungkook. 

as the sun was starting to move the shade was becoming nonexistent. the sun was now fully both on him and hyeon and as soon as jungkook got back to his seat he noticed. 

just as they were about to leave the microphone made a loud screeching noise. when the raven sat down next to taehyung all eyes were at the front when they watched a random man in a black hoodie grab the mic from one of the teachers. 

"this school is toxic!" the older male shouted, everyone was silent and a teacher started to get on the stage to remove the male from interrupting the graduation. the students screamed, as soon as the male pulled out a gun. 

taehyung gasped and immediately wrapped his arms around the baby. 

"everyone sit the fuck down!" the angry male yelled, pointing the gun towards the students and teachers. everyone around him stepped back, everyone was silent waiting for the male to talk. 

"I was meant to graduate from here, these teachers that say they care about you... they are all liars. they are only here to get a paycheck. I had to repeat twice and still did not graduate even though I passed all my exams!" the male holding the gun yelled, aiming it towards the students. 

"you were a great student marcus" the principal said but was cut off when the male grew even more angry and started shouting. 

"this is all your fault!" the male yelled before he started to shoot at the crowd and teachers. 

loud screams and bullets being fired into the crowd was heard. students ran from their seats and tried to find shelter. jungkook immediately grabbed taehyung's hand and ran towards the concrete wall that taehyung and him use to smoke at. 

"are you okay?" jungkook asked as soon as they were covered, cupping taehyung's face. his eyes landed on taehyung's teary eyes. the brunette nodded, trying to catch his breath. hyeon was crying as taehyung was trying to comfort him. 

"when need to get out of here" jungkook said, looking behind him to see everyone running in different directions. blood was scattered over the grass and white chairs. the raven peeked over the side of the wall to see where marcus was. once he heard the police sirens and saw that the males back was towards him, he quickly turned towards taehyung and grabbed his hand. 

the raven made sure he was covering taehyung and the baby as they ran straight towards the school. when they entered through the open doors he turned around to make eye contact with marcus who aimed the gun right at him.

"taehyung run!" jungkook yelled, grabbing onto taehyung's hand as they ran as fast as they could. the raven heard taehyung cry as soon as bullets were fired towards their direction. as soon as they ran out the building jungkook raced towards the car, making sure taehyung got in first.

when jungkook got in the car he noticed how students were racing towards their own cars, everyone trying to get out. jungkook started the car as soon as he got in. 

"jungkook drive!" taehyung shouted, pointing towards the entrance of the school to see marcus holding a gun as he shot towards the cars. jungkook reversed quickly before speeding out the school. as soon as they were on the main road, they noticed police officers in cars speeding towards the school. 

hyeon's cries were loud, taehyung was also trying to calm him down as much as he could. 

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