09 | flooding back

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Warning: I just wanted to add a little note here that this book will briefly talk about religious beliefs. this book is not meant to offend anyone with the topics that are mentioned or what the characters believe or say. every religion is beautiful and every person has a right to have their own opinion and share it if they please <3

taehyung was currently in class, tapping his pencil along his book as the teacher had come in late. the brunette was the only person who was not talking to anyone, he was silent. he eyes scanned the class, his eyes landing on jungkook who was laughing with other males about something on his phone. 

the brunette tried to tear his gaze from him but he always ended up looking right back. there was something about jungkook that just made him feel safe, even just talking to the male made him feel heard. 

he may act like the male annoys him but nothing with jungkook felt forced. like it did with other people from his old school. his eyes casted towards the whiteboard when the teacher started to write something on the board. 


was written in capital letters in bold across the whiteboard. it had been the first time he felt his stomach drop in so long, he already felt his throat come towards a close. 

"today we have a guest speaker who will be talking about grief and losing someone. please welcome mrs alla" the teacher said, clapping towards the door as it opened and a women walked in. 

all the students seemed happy that a guest speaker was talking and they were not going to have to learn anything. 

"hello there, my name is alla and I have a grieving coach that goes around to schools and college's and talks to people about grief and death"

"when someone mentions death, people already feel the air get sucked from them. it is not a easy topic to talk about and it is a painful one" she explained, walking towards the board and then faces the class. 

"I know there have been a lot of losses in people's lives this year, with covid and people getting sick"

"the world is a cruel place, but we have god in our lives to protect us" she whispers, taehyung felt anger swirl within him. 

"he protects us from the hurt and ends people's suffering. we should all be thankful for god, we should all thank him everyday" 

taehyung could not believe what this women was saying, he felt tears cloud his eyes as one slid down his cheek. he fought against letting them fall but he could not help it. 

"it look's like someone is affect by my words" she says, a soft smile on her lips as she points towards taehyung. everyone turns to look at him and the class falls silent. 

the raven's eyes widened and his lips parted in shock when his eyes landed on taehyung, his eyes red and tears streaming from his teary eyes. 

taehyung had his hand clutched onto his pencil, he felt like he could not breath. 

"have you lost someone? they are with the lord-" she starts but soon is cut off when taehyung stands up fast and grabs his bag, the students watch as the brunette runs out the classroom. the tears streaming down his face as he runs. 

he had no idea where he was going but his only thought was to get out of here, so he runs to the front of the school. Ignoring the office ladies yells and unclips his bike, he lifts his leg over and rides down the path of the school. 

letting out a sob as soon as he made it back home, he ran inside. knowing already that no one was going to be home and went straight into his room. he fell on his bed, his face against the pillow as he screams. the tears continuing to pour out his eyes. 

he felt his heart breaking all over again, the same ache and hurt filling his whole body. he knew rose would find out he ran out of school, and he knew he was in big trouble as soon as he heard shouts of his name and a door open. 

soon his bedroom door flew open and he looked up from his pillow to see a concerned rose, she dropped her bag and crouched by taehyung who was still crying. this was the first time rose saw taehyung cry, she was waiting for him to let his feelings out. 

"what happened tae?" she whispered, petting his hair as he sobbed. 

"come here sweetheart" she softly said, sitting on the bed as taehyung got up and rested his head against her shoulder. letting those tears fall. he promised himself he would make sure no one would see him like this again. 

he did not want anyone to see him so vulnerable. 

"a g-guest speaker came in class today, t-to talk about g-grief and loss. she started talking about l-losing someone and that we should thank g-god for everything and this world and all that he protects. I w-was so m-mad and upset-" taehyung cried out, shaking his head as rose hugged him tighter. 

rose shook her head and sighed "the teacher should of mentioned to you all what the guest speaker will be talking about a few days before she was meant to do her talking. I am not mad at you for running out, I understand why. if something ever happens like that again, I want you to call me and I will come and get you"

"no questions asked." she finished, rubbing the back of his head. taehyung did feel worried she would be mad, but it made him feel more at ease when she said she was not mad at him. 

"thank you for telling me" she soon said, wiping his tears. 

"let's go get you some icecream from the freezer, we can watch avatar" she smiled, pecking the boys hair before they both got up. 

"go wash up first, get into some pyjamas and then come downstairs" she said, ruffling his hair before she walked out the room. 

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