49 | muma meets hyeon

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"so tell me about yourself jungkook, I have heard lots from taehyung but would like to hear more from you" taehyung's mother smiled, helping jungkook clean up while taehyung took rose up to see hyeon. 

"well I have lived here my whole life, I love surfing and the ocean. I am the only child and have very loving parents, I come from a very hard working family. my parents own companies around here and korea." the raven replied, washing the dishes while she dried them and placed the on the kitchen bench. 

"being the only child must of had its struggles?" she asked

"honestly yeah, it gets lonely. but ever since I met taehyung my life changed, I dont feel that loss of loneliness anymore." 

she smiled at that and nodded. 

"can I be direct with you?" she asked, jungkook handed the last plate to her before nodding and paying close attention. he wanted her to be honest, and not beat around the bush about whatever she was thinking. 

"I am surprised you did not leave taehyung the second he decided to adopt hyeon" she said, jungkook slowly nodded. wrapping his head around how to reply. 

"I think a lot of people would of. I love taehyung way too much to leave him like that" jungkook whispered, it being the first time he has admitted to loving taehyung, even though he has felt this way for a long time. 

taehyung's mother smiled at that. 

"I agree with everything taehyung said at lunch. not only is hyeon my priority now, so is taehyung. I give you my word that I will spend the rest of my life, protecting, loving, caring, and keeping them both safe and happy" the raven said, looking directly at his mother who pulled him into a hug. 

"I knew the moment I saw you that you were the right man for my baby" she chuckled, ruffling his hair as she pulled away from the hug. the raven let out a sigh in relief to hear that. 

"I would love to meet your parents, are they out on business?" she asked, jungkook nodded his head as he started to put all the dry dishes away. 

"yeah, they are but are flying back in a couple days to meet hyeon. are you staying with rose?" jungkook asked, looking at taehyung's mother who nodded and smiled. 

"yeah I am, I am only here for a week or so" she smiled, soon her attention was caught by footsteps entering the kitchen and as soon as her eyes landed on the small baby in her sons arms she gasped. 

jungkook smiled as he watched her walk closer to taehyung, slowly the baby was placed in her arms. 

"oh he is beautiful" she whispered, surprised at how small he was. 

"how old is he?" she asked, looking at taehyung who was starting to make a bottle. 

"he is nearly a month old" taehyung replied

"did they catch the bustard that hurt the mother?" she questioned, looking up at taehyung from looking at hyeon. 

"not yet, they gave me a call a couple days ago and they all think its the serial killer."

"gosh have they still not caught him, that is just crazy" she sighed shaking her head. 

"make sure you both keep the doors locked" 

"normally this town is safe, just sucks one fuck wit has to ruin it for others" rose said, she was passionate about this place. taehyung understood why and smiled as he pats her shoulder. 

"they will catch him, sometimes it just takes time sadly" the brunette whispered, trying to comfort her. 

"here is the bottle mum, just sit on the couch" taehyung said, handing her the bottle as jungkook and him finished cleaning up outside. 

"how did you think that went?" jungkook asked taehyung as soon as he shut the ranch-slider. 

"better then expected, im sorry if she seemed rude when she was asking those questions. she just gets worried and will ask any straightforward questions so that she gets an answer" taehyung explained, wrapping his arms around jungkook's neck. 

the raven chuckled and placed his hands on his boyfriends slim waist, squeezing the sides as he pecked the males cheek. 

"I like that about her, that she does not beat around the bush and actually say what she is thinking" the raven replied, looking at his boyfriend who seemed so much more relaxed. 

"are you nervous for your parents to meet hyeon?" taehyung asked but jungkook shrugged. 

"not really, my parents had me when they were 19 so they were also young parents. they probably will ask questions but they will be happy as soon as they meet hyeon" 

"look at your mum" jungkook whispered as they both turned to the window where they saw her on the couch smiling down at hyeon. 

"she already adores him" jungkook finished, looking back at the male in his arms who sighed and rested his head against the raven's chest. jungkook tightened his hold and pecked taehyung's forehead. 

"mum goes back to rose's house soon, then we have the rest of the day for us. what did you want to do?" taehyung asked, sighing in content when he felt jungkook's hands rubbing up and down on his back. 

"it looks like it is going to rain soon so we could do a movie day, snuggle in bed after we do chores and but hyeon down for another nap. watch movies and cuddle?" jungkook questioned already knowing taehyung would be keen on the idea. 

"sounds like heaven" taehyung whispered, pecking jungkook's neck before they go back to cleaning up.

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