21 | observing

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"the soup was really nice, thank you jungkook" taehyung said, breaking the silence after they both finished eating. the raven looked up from his empty bowl and smiled "Im glad you liked it" he softly said, grabbing all the dirty dishes and started to clean up his mess. 

taehyung tried to offer to help but jungkook did not want a bar of it. the raven had finished cleaning up while taehyung had cleaned up his room, putting all his tissues in the bin and making his bed. "I like your room" jungkook said from behind him, taehyung smiled and turned his attention to him instead of looking at the backyard. 

"It is a little bland, I like yours though. your bed is hella comfy" taehyung laughed after saying, jungkook smiled when he head the brunette laugh and cleared his throat when it grew silent. 

"I wanna take you somewhere" jungkook said, taehyung looked at him for a little bit before smiling he was not sure where they were going to go but he trusted jungkook. after he made sure the house was shut up he got inside the passenger seat. 

the sky was getting darker as the sun was setting, the sky looked beautiful to taehyung. they both did not speak as the only noise that was around them was from the radio, taehyung was resting his head against the head rest as he shut his eyes for a little. 

jungkook could tell that taehyung was upset about something, he had been wanting to ask since he came over but decided against it. he smiled softly as he drove, glancing at taehyung now and then before parking his car. 

"we are here" he whispered, watching as taehyung let out a small yawn and opened his eyes. he watched as the brunette looked around to see where they are. they both got out the car and jungkook told the younger male to follow him. 

as taehyung was following the raven he could not get over how beautiful this island is. he soon gasped when they walked closer to the fence that was on the hill. his eyes casted over the blue sea and the sun that was setting. 

"one more thing" jungkook said, grasping taehyung's hand in his as they walked towards a large tree that had a blanket on the ground, in the shade. two painting portraits were on the blankets surrounded by different types of paints and a few snacks. 

"how did you even organise this?" taehyung whispered, in complete shock at how cool this is. 

"they do this every day, I was planning to come here after seeing you but decided I wanted to take you here. I got a friend of mine to set it up for two people" jungkook replied, getting taehyung to get comfortable on the blanket as he sets up the paints.

"this is so cool jungkook" taehyung smiled when the raven handed him a brush and large pallet. 

"paint whatever your heart desires" jungkook whispered, looking at taehyung who had the most beautiful smile on his face. they both sat in silence for a few minutes as they both painted, listening to the ocean waves crash against the sand. 

it was one of the most beautiful sounds. a sound that taehyung was growing really found of, and a sound jungkook fell in love with since he was a child. 

"you know, I remember seeing you surf these large waves when I first got here and I could not take my eyes off you" the raven stopped what he was doing and placed his brush down as he turned his head towards taehyung. 

"it was so effortless the way you made your way through those waves. I watched as so many people failed to catch a wave before you but when I saw you, I could not look away. I did not even notice who you were until I saw your surfboard at your house" 

the way taehyung was talking was so soft and eye catching that jungkook felt like he was under hypnosis. the male softly smiled before going back to his painting. 

"when I met you at the cafe, I thought you were the type of guy to flirt with anything that had two legs. then when I got to know you at school, you were not who I expected you to be" taehyung commented. 

jungkook bit his bottom lip, trying not to laugh at the 'flirting with anything that had two legs comment'. 

"okay my turn" the raven smirked, placing everything down as he turned his whole body towards taehyung who also placed his things down. 

"I remember the first day I saw you at my job. I remember when it was your turn to order there was something about you that just drew me to you. I remember when you were telling me what you wanted and it was berry everything. it was unique and different, it was like you were this innocent human being who's life was filled with sunshine and roses" jungkook explained, looking off into the distance as he tried to form his words as best as possible. 

"I had never seen you before, you were on my mind a lot until the next time I saw you. when I helped you around school to find your classes, you looked so afraid of everything and everyone. I wanted to make sure that you had someone with you that you could open up to if you needed" 

taehyung felt his heart beat a little faster at every word jungkook was saying, he had no idea that the raven was that observant over him. 

"when I saw you smoking behind a wall, I wont lie I was shocked. I smoke now and then as well but it was the last thing I expected to see from you" jungkook whispered

"I knew from that day on that something happened in your life that changed you, something that made you care less about your life. when you came over to mine it was the first time I had seen you genuinely smile, that beautiful smile of yours was all I could think about for days" 

"when you fell asleep in my arms, I did not fall asleep as quickly as I let out. there was something about you that made me feel safe, having you in my arms was a feeling that I never thought I would have loved as it was something I never thought about of course."

"but i did. I loved every moment of it. I saw a different side to you that day" jungkook said, getting tired of looking at the ground so he turned to look at taehyung who had tears rolling down his cheeks. the raven cursed in his head as he shuffled forward, shaking his head as he says "tae, I am so sorry I did not mean to upset you". 

to say jungkook felt bad would be a major understatement, he was mad at himself for causing taehyung to cry. gently taking taehyung's hands in his before wiping the males tears away. 

"n-no it is not you. what you said was right" taehyung sniffled, chuckling a little as he wiped his tears away. "no one has ever paid that much attention to me to notice my pain". 

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