24 | half day

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by the time they both woke up taehyung was fully on top of jungkook, his head rested against his chest while the raven had his arms around taehyung's waist. there were times they both woke up to check the time and when they saw they could sleep in a little more they both went back to the same position. 

not bothered to get off each other. jungkook was the first one to wake up and stay awake, there was something about taehyung being in his arms that gave him butterflies. looking down to see the brunette asleep and content in his arms felt some what rewarding. 

over the past couple of weeks jungkook noticed how much he had been thinking about taehyung. how he wanted to spend everyday with him, show him around the island of aroha. he likes being close to taehyung. he wants to be able to hug the male whenever he wants to, hold his hand, cuddle him. 

but they arent in a relationship even though at times it feels like they are. it is known to jungkook's very close friends that the raven has a interest in taehyung, they did not go all dramatic over it when they noticed but they all felt happy that jungkook has fallen for someone. 

someone who is honest and a decent human being. the raven had been trying to gather courage to ask taehyung to be his plus one at a party that is coming up over the weekend. the party was at one of his friends place, and the only rule is you have to bring a plus one. 

everyone has to bring a date and jungkook has been asked out like 20 times already, he already knew who he wanted to ask. it was just trying to find courage to ask him. the theme to the party is you have to dress up as a movie actor. you and your plus one have to be matching from the same movie. 

the raven was clueless, he did not watch many movies. he knew taehyung does though. they were both had to go to classes today which jungkook was considering to wag but taehyung has already missed out on a lot of school, so if taehyung is going then so is he. 

"tae, wake up or we are going to be late for school" jungkook whispered, softly running his hands through the brunette's hair. 

"I dont wanna go" taehyung whispered, voice low as as snuggles more into the raven. jungkook tighten his hold around the male before pecking his forehead, freezing a little afterwards once he realised what he just did. 

he cleared his throat and carefully slid taehyung off of himself. 

"I will make us something to eat, get ready" jungkook said, ruffling taehyung's hair before leaving the room. taehyung's eyes widened when the raven left the room. 

"did he just kiss my forehead" he whispered out loud, covering his mouth when he realised it was not a dream. he quickly rushed out of bed and put his uniform on, heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. 

he could smell pancakes and maple syrup, he headed towards the kitchen to see jungkook already plating up. 

"wow you did that so quickly" taehyung gasped, sitting down by the table as the raven brought over the food. 

"I normally cook this for myself most mornings, dig in" jungkook said, handing taehyung the cup of maple syrup as they both started to eat. 

"what class do we have first?" taehyung asked before taking a bite of his pancakes. 

"english, I think" the raven replied, checking his phone to see it was fully charged. 

"apparently today is a half day" jungkook said after checking his messages with his friends. 

"is it really?" taehyung asked excitedly, jungkook smiled and nodded as he placed his phone down. 

"going to school knowing you have half day is some type of feeling" jungkook chuckled at the comment and cleared his throat. 

"want to do something after school? like go swimming and head to the water park?" jungkook asked, taehyung's eyes widened. 

"there is a water park here?" he questioned, looking at the male in front of him who nodded. 

"it is a huge water park, there wont be much people there today so we can go after school if you want?" the raven asked, hoping that taehyung would want to go. 

"I would love to" taehyung replied, smiling at jungkook who let out a breath he did not know he was holding. 

while they sat at the table, eating breakfast and talking they completely forgot about the time. when taehyung glanced at his phone and saw the time he gasped, catching jungkook's attention who looked worried for a split second until taehyung said "we are already late for classes" he gasped, standing up from the chair and rushing towards the kitchen. 

they both quickly chucked the dishes into the dishwasher before grabbing their bags and rushing out the house. luckily jungkook got changed in the lounge before taehyung came out, they were not prepared for school today in the slightest. 

when they finally arrived to school, they both walked down the hallway until they were met with the classroom door. they both cursed when they heard the angry teacher yelling at some students. 

"we are going to be in trouble" taehyung sighed, jungkook glanced at taehyung's pouty face for a split second before he grabbed the males hand and ran back down the hallway and out the door to the field. 

"jungkook where are we going?" taehyung questioned, when jungkook did not reply he just decided to trust the raven. when they stepped foot into the gymnasium, he was confused until they walked into a small room by the changing rooms. 

it had a couch and a few tables and chairs. it was like a small classroom. 

"what is this place?" taehyung asked watching as jungkook let go of his hand and sat on the couch. 

"this is a old classroom that people sometimes chill in, not a lot of the teachers know about it. it had not been used in ages. thought it would be better to chill in here till next period so then atleast when we walk into class we walk in with everyone else" jungkook explained, patting the side next to him for taehyung to sit. 

"genius" taehyung whispered, smile on his face as he sat down next to jungkook. 

"I forgot to thank you for yesterday, I was really dreading nans passing anniversary. was preparing myself to spend the day crying and feeling really alone. I really appreciate you, I hope you know that" taehyung whispered, wanting to break the silence. 

jungkook was already looking at him before he spoke, his smile reaching from ear to ear. it was so nice to hear that you were appreciated by someone. he never got to hear that much. 

"thank you for letting me spend time with you, and for letting me stay the night" the raven said, he felt no need to say 'your welcome' it just felt wrong cause taehyung did not even need to thank him for something that others should of done. 

"the weather is so weird here" taehyung whispered, looking at his arms that had goose bumps on them. 

"yeah, it is. around this time of the year it is really bipolar. one day could be so cold and the next could be sunny, then the next raining and a storm." the raven explained, checking his phone to make sure he was keeping track of the time. 

"I just want to leave for the day and go with you to the swimming park" taehyung commented, jungkook found it hard to hide his smile. 

"so do I" he whispered back, both their eyes not leaving each others. 

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