33 | meet rose.

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"your room smells so nice" jungkook commented, placing his bag by the desk once taehyung shut the door. 

"i have a thing for candles" taehyung replied, sitting on the bed as he watched jungkook walk around the room. 

"you seem nervous?" taehyung questioned, his eyes following jungkook who definitely felt anxious. 

"I am" jungkook chuckled


"cause I want your aunty to like me" 

"she will kook, just be yourself" taehyung smiled, turning the new tv on that was in his room as he laid on the bed. 

"come" taehyung patted the spot next to him, the raven smiled and climbed onto the bed. he laid down next to taehyung as they watched more criminal minds. 

"im glad you came" taehyung whispered, looking at jungkook who was already looking at him. 

"i am glad you invited me" jungkook whispered back, shuffling closer to taehyung. the brunette rested his head against jungkook's chest while he male played with his hair.

 "jungkook, tell me about yourself" rose asked. they were all sat in the lounge, the tv on as they ate pizza. 

"there is not a whole lot to mention. I have lived here my whole life, I love surfing. the ocean is my happy place. I love swimming and listening to music. my parents are ceo's of a business, they travel a lot so im home by myself a bit. I am an only child" jungkook went on, trying to find any detail to make himself seem interesting. 

"I love that you have grown up here" she replied, handing him a drink as they continued to talk and eat. taehyung was sat on the other couch watching and listening to them talking. it was so nice, he loved seeing them getting along. it seemed like rose likes jungkook and that meant a lot to taehyung. 

their attention was gravitated towards the tv when the news came on. 

"a body was found by sabot street today, a women in her 20s found in her backyard stabbed." 

"since the chief and his team have figured out these killings arent from the storm, the serial killer has come out into the light and now is not hiding. the conference is now" the news lady said, soon the tv flicking towards the conference. 

"as you have all heard today another body was discovered, we received a letter from the serial killer that we have decided to read to you all" the chief said, grabbing the letter before clearing his throat. 

"my ego is hungry, men and women mean nothing, gender or age is useless when it comes to hunting. every man and women. no one is safe" 

"I wanted to share this letter with everyone, this man is highly dangerous. please stay safe, we currently have some leads if you have any information please call the number on the screen" the chief said before the ads came on. 

rose shook her head "it is so disappointing that something like this is happening here" she sighed, turning to taehyung. 

"I got back in a couple days, I dont know if I want you to be here by yourself" rose said, eyes on taehyung who was staring at the tv screen. 

"he can stay with me until things calm down, or until the person is caught. I dont want him being here by himself either. my parents are putting top security at our house, we can come over during the day and open up the house for a bit then lock everything up when we leave" jungkook offered, the last thing he wanted was for taehyung to be sent back home. 

rose thought about it for a little bit before she nodded. "okay, you both stay at jungkook's together. come here now and then to open up the house then make sure everything is locked. taehyung I will leave my car here for you to use, just drop me off the the airport" rose decided, taehyung smiled and nodded. 

"scary times, scary times" rose sighed, looking at the tv to see the serial killer was all the news could talk about. 

"I hope they catch whoever is doing this, kids are going to start to feel scared about going to school" rose continued. 

after they talked about what was happening in town, they started to watch movies. once it became late, it was dark out that was when they all started to feel tired. 

"im off to bed kids, sleep well" rose said, taking her phone and walking into her room which was on the opposite end of the hallway from taehyung's. 

"you wanna go to my room?" taehyung asked jungkook who yawned and nodded. 

as jungkook walked to the room, taehyung made sure he shut all the windows and doors. making sure everything was locked and the curtains were shut before heading to his room. he smiled when he noticed his curtains were shut and jungkook was already laying on the bed but over the covers. 

taehyung placed his phone on the bedside table as he slid next to jungkook, laying his head on the pillow. both their bodies facing each other. the raven placed his hand softly onto taehyung's cheek, creasing it slowly. 

"have I ever told you how beautiful you are" jungkook whispered, his eyes going from taehyung's lips to his eyes. the brunette felt so shy under the raven's gaze, the comments about him being beautiful did not help. but it meant a lot to him that jungkook thought he was. 

"whenever I am with you, I feel so different compared to when I am alone" taehyung was listening to every word jungkook spoke, paying close attention to everything. 

"I have never felt this way with a person before" jungkook explained, causing taehyung's eyes to widen a little. 'is he confessing? does he really have feelings for me too?' taehyung thought. 

"I keep putting this off, but I want to say it now or I never will" the raven whispered shuffling a little closer to taehyung.

"I really like you taehyung, I am not sure if you like me in that way. I want to hold you, touch you, be the person that you go to in your highs and lows. I want to be able to hold your hand without having to ask" 

"touching each other the way we did at the party felt so different, it felt like we were a couple and I loved every moment of it. having you so close to me" jungkook continued, his eyes now directly focusing on taehyung's. 

"I like you too jungkook, a lot. I feel the same way you do. I want all those things as well but with you. I want you to touch me, hold me, and be the person I spend the most time with. you make me feel things no other person has made me feel" taehyung confessed, raising his own hand to place it on jungkook's hand. 

the raven let out a breath in relief, he felt so happy that taehyung felt the same way. taehyung's eyes went to jungkook's lips for a little until he noticed jungkook's gaze on his lips. the brunette shuffled forward, leaning over jungkook a little until their lips grazed each others. 

jungkook gripped the sides of taehyung's waist, pulling him closer as their lips connected. taehyung placed his hand on jungkook's cheek and one on his chest as their lips moved against each others. 

the raven had been waiting for this moment for so long, feeling that burst in his stomach as he brings taehyung even closer. the kiss was not fast and they both loved how passionate and slow it was. 

jungkook gripped taehyung's waist, pulling the male even closer to him. the raven tilted his head to get a better access to taehyung's lips, both their heads tilted and lips moving more against each others. 

when they both slowly disconnected their lips, their eyes never left each others. jungkook moved his hand from the males waist the crease his cheek slowly. 

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