44 | full custody

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jungkook had to wait until the first class was finished to talk to taehyung about what he said about him. it touched his heart, every word and it meant so much to him. taehyung on the other hand did not get to see or talk to jungkook after class ended, he was whisked away by one of the teachers who wanted to talk to him about his presentation. 

he did notice that jungkook was packing up awfully slowly but was eventually kicked out by one of the teachers. the brunette hoped that he would not be talking to the teachers for to long as he wanted to go and see his boyfriend who was waiting for him outside. 

but sadly the teachers took up all his break time, asking questions about his art piece. he felt bad that jungkook was waiting for him but it also felt nice that the teachers seemed to really like his hardwork and wanted to know more. 

the raven could tell taehyung was going to be awhile so he had decided to leave, going to catch up with his friends who were waiting for the both of them at the cafeteria. 

taehyung let out a breath of relief as soon as school ended, he was leant against jungkook's car. he wanted to wait to talk to him before they both went home. he continued to look at his phone and then the school doors. 

he smiled as soon as he saw jungkook exit the building, his friends following behind him. the raven smiled as soon as saw taehyung waiting by his car, he waved by to his friends as he jogged towards taehyung. 

as soon as he was in front of the brunette he wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling taehyung against his chest as he hid his face by the smaller's neck. the brunette let out a content sigh as soon as he felt jungkook hug him. 

"thank you" the raven whispered first, slowly pulling away but keeping his hands on taehyung's waist. 

"your art piece was beautiful, I am really proud of you for opening up about your grief. and with that last square, I was surprised" jungkook chuckled as taehyung smiled, wrapping his arms around jungkook's neck. 

"but the words you said meant so much, so thank you for sharing it" the raven said, his eyes never leaving taehyung's who could not stop smiling. 

"im glad you got to hear it, I meant every word" taehyung replied, slowly pecking jungkook's lips before pulling away. 

"you want to come back to mine?" taehyung asked jungkook who let out a sad sigh and nodded his head. 

"I want to, but I cant. I am working, I dont know when my shift finishes cause a lot of staff called in sick" jungkook answered back, rubbing slow circles along the males waist. 

"that's okay, make sure to text me when your home safe" taehyung replied back, a little gutted that he could not spend time with jungkook but he was willing to wait till the raven finished his shift. 

"wait why are you going now?" jungkook asked, pouting as he watched taehyung walk away. 

"I think your forgetting your shift starts in two minutes" taehyung winked, sending a flying kiss to jungkook who groaned and quickly got into his car. taehyung let out a soft giggle as he walked to his car, once he got in he smiled as jungkook beeped to him on his way out the car park. 

"im so ready to go home, have a shower and take a long nap" taehyung muttered to himself as he turned on the engine and got out of the car park fast. 

taehyung sighed in content as soon as his back hit the soft mattress. he ended up going food shopping before coming home, he got carried away and ended up looking at every shop in the mall. he cursed as soon as it got darker and went straight home. 

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