39 | first times

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"wow" taehyung chuckled, laying back down next to jungkook who was a panting mess next to him. they both felt so out of breath, feeling very hot and bothered. after their moment on the couch they both decided to take it further. 

jungkook was in a bliss, he felt like he was on another planet. 

"that was amazing" the raven whispered, turning his body towards taehyung. both their nakedness fully under the covers. if taehyung was being honest, he had been thinking about them both taking the next step in their relationship. they had both made out so much but in never lead anywhere until today. 

they both felt so happy. taehyung was happily in jungkook's arms, grumbling about how he does not want to get up. that he wants to stay in the raven's arms for a little longer. whenever jungkook caves in and gives him a few more minutes, minutes turn into hours. 

"come on, I will run you a bath" jungkook said, patting taehyung's ass before sliding out of the bed. giving taehyung the perfect view of his nakedness. 

"why dont you bath with me" taehyung pouted, sliding out the covers himself. he followed jungkook to the bathroom that was just next to his room. luckily there was no one home, or rose would get one hell of a fright seeing two naked males walking around the house. 

after jungkook slid on some shorts he kneeled down to fill the bath. 

"I will join you after I make the bed" jungkook stated as he got up, passing taehyung after pecking his lips. 

"here are the bubbles" the raven smiled, dripping some soap into the bath. 

taehyung was sat on the toilet seat, watching as jungkook grabbed everything he needed. the raven loved that the brunette was no as shy with him anymore about being naked. he was glad he felt comfortable. 

"hop in, I will come in when I have changed the sheets" jungkook said, soon rushing off into the room. taehyung smiled as he walked over to the bath, sighing as he laid down. 

'what did I do in life to deserve jungkook' the brunette thought, smiling when he heard jungkook singing and shuffling around the room. not long after jungkook appeared into the bathroom, dropping out his shorts. 

"I put the sheets in the wash, so we should be good to get it out later tomorrow" jungkook said, getting in behind taehyung. the brunette let out a content sigh when his back met jungkook's chest, feeling those strong arms wrap around his waist felt so damn good. 

jungkook pecked taehyung's neck, over and over again. they both sat in silence for awhile, their eyes shut as they just enjoyed each others presence. 

"we were meant to do assessments today not have sex" jungkook chuckled, laughing when taehyung slapped his hand. 

"dont mention sex and assessments into the same sentence" taehyung muttered, shaking his head at jungkook who was still laughing. 

"we can do assessments tomorrow, maybe in the morning we could go for a walk on the beach?. do assessments during the day then go out to eat for dinner?" taehyung asked, turning his head a little to see jungkook's reaction who nodded. he liked the idea and pecking taehyung's neck a few more times. 

"I like the sound of that, then we can come home afterwards and cuddle" the raven replied, taehyung chuckled and pinched his skin "such a sap" the brunette muttered, a bright smile on his face. 

"guilty as charged" jungkook smirked, circling his hands along taehyung's waist. 

"I had a conversation with my parents last night about them not being around, how I miss them" jungkook said, taehyung hummed not knowing jungkook was planning to have that conversation with them. 

"how did it go?" he asked, wanting to turn around and talk to him but he could not cause of the bath size. 

"it went well, they were listening to how I felt but they made me see a different side of it" the raven said, taehyung frowned. 

"what other side?" taehyung asked, placing his hand on jungkook's in comfort.

"they do what they do to support me and provide for me. they worked hard to get where they are to just give up now. they are not even thinking just about me but about when I have kids. they both struggled growing up and were poor."

"they are trying to make a living and to keep a roof over my head, wanting to make sure im safe" the raven explained. 

"yeah, that makes sense. what did they say about how you felt?" taehyung questioned, now turning around so he was able to face jungkook. 

"they obviously cant be with me at the house all the time but they are going to make sure they spend more time with me. it was nice and reassuring to hear that from them. mum makes an effort to message and call me more" jungkook said, smiling as he reached to play with taehyung's hair. 

"they are selling the house" jungkook said, out of the blue causing taehyung's eyes to widen. 

"what when?" taehyung asked, eyes wide in shock. 

"in a few months, I was thinking about moving into a rental that my parents had done up and were going to put it on the market but I offered to pay rent for it. I think it would be cool to be independent, in a smaller house with a view of the beach" jungkook said, brushing the water drops from taehyung's cheek. 

"im going to miss the hammock" taehyung pouted, his hand rubbing against jungkook's arm. 

"dont worry, there is one at the rental. you get a really nice view of the mountain and beach all at the same time. I will take you there tomorrow, I have the keys so I can start to move all my stuff inside" the raven said, linking his hands with taehyung's. 

"I would love to see it" taehyung smiled, blushing when jungkook pecked his hand. 

"I love that I can still make you blush by just doing little things." the raven smirked, chuckling when taehyung slapped his chest. 

"you still will be able to when im 100 years old" taehyung replied, turning back around. wanting to lay back on jungkook. 

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