make it count

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- unknown P.O.V.

“Mhm... A nifty little device you got there, tell me, where d’ya get it from, boy?”

“Can’t tell you that, sorry.”, I mumbled to the old guy in front of me.

“Ah, I see how it is... Why d’ya come to me then, son?”

“I need you to tell me what devices were last contacted with this one. I'm looking for a connection to Coruscant specifically. I need the coordinates.”

“To Coruscant, the capital... interesting.”, he eyed the little device, “Let me see what I can do for ya then.”

The man started connecting Katzo’s old device to different colourful cables, upon which a little monitor started lighting up and showing numbers that quickly flickered over the dusty screen. All the different instruments that were sprawled out on the table looked a little make-shift to me, but this was the address I had been given, when I asked around for a someone who could help me out with my concern. At least the guy seemed nice so far. Now he only had to find out the coordinates I needed.

“Huh, this thing won’t let me access its latest activities... Got it from a bounty hunter or sumthin’? Those guys are usually very secretive about their business.”

“Something like that, yes.”, I replied vaguely. “Is there nothing you can do?”

“Gimme some time, aye.”

He didn’t know what he was doing, did he?

The man walked to the back of the little garage we were in and started rummaging around in a big box that was standing on the floor. Metallic clanking sounds filled the room as his big hands were rifling through it. Eventually, he pulled out an oddly shaped device and proudly held it up.

“Got it!”

He went on to connect the strange device to Katzo’s former one and repeated the steps from earlier. The second device started blinking and beeping and the numbers ran across the screen now even faster than before.

“What do you say, does it work?”, I wanted to know. It was hard to conceal my impatience. 

“Shhh, gotta concentrate!"

I sighed and took a step back to let him do his thing, as he typed in different commands into the computer.

This had to work! I didn’t know who else to ask if he couldn’t help me- and time was running up!

All that had been on my mind these past days was how I could possibly warn them. How could I reach out to them to inform them about everything that was being so carefully planned right now? Without a head start, they’d be nearly without a chance to avert what would break loose. And that would not only be fatal for them, but also for me and everyone else who was in favour of liberal values and the protection of the disadvantaged and exploited members of our galaxy.

I had seen my own home planet go downhill after the separatists had started getting involved once my mother had died, and the horrific consequences of their involvement and the effects on our people had fuelled my urgent desire to stop them; to stop what could happen if my father and his cousin went through with their plans, which could destabilise the entire galactic system.

Because it was them we were talking about- her and Skywalker, the chosen one. And when he was affected, everyone in the galaxy was affected.

So when I managed to get a hold of Katzo’s special little device after he was killed, I knew I needed to find out the coordinates he had previously used to contact Y/N. And that’s what led me into this little garage in the middle of nowhere, to this old guy with his strange instruments and dubious hacking skills.

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