And so it begins

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Here we were, entering the second hour of staying in this not significantly better prison. Yes, this ship had enough to eat and to drink for both of us for the next, I'd guess, 2 weeks (I had just organized all the supplies in the backroom a few hours earlier), so that at least in that department I wasn't lacking anything.

What I was really lacking though was space (no pun intended). Specifically, I was lacking space without Anakin! If it wasn't for him, I think I would have even enjoyed the situation. It could have felt like a holiday, being isolated for some time with nothing to do but self care.
But no, instead, the time ahead of me would be nothing but dreadfulness, I could feel it. All the while Anakin would secretly have the time of his life, doing whatever he wanted with (or to) me, with no one like Obiwan there to interfere with Anakin's shenanigans.

It was so frustrating how he always pulled the dominant "I am your master, you mustn't disobey"-card on me. Yes, I may be his Padawan, but I was also a legal adult, himself only being 22 years old and with that just 3 years older than me. That made it even harder to view him as a superior, given that he didn't look old and wise like my former master who I lost in a battle four years ago. I missed him so much. After his death, I stayed without a master for a year, up until I was 16 and was then assigned to Anakin where all the fun began.

I knew that Anakin had magnificent abilities and I had so much respect for that. I would even say that he was my idol, for the ability part, of course, but I would never tell him that. But aside from that, there was not much else to praise him for. We've had a rough start and we had gotten much better, our remarkable victories being an indicator for how well we worked together, but outside the battle field? He was a real pain in the-


My thoughts were abruptly cut off. And so it begins!, I mumbled to myself.

"Until I've come up with an effective method to train you physically, we will start with some force practices.", Anakin announced.


"Yes who?"

"Yes, my beloved master." I was fed up already.

He smirked devilishly and nodded, playing satisfied with my sarcastic reply.

"Let's see how much you will love me, once I decide this training session to be over, shall we, my Padawan?"

"Just start, please, Anakin." Could it get any worse?

"If you're begging me to, I guess I will have to give in. You know, Y/N, I would hate to tease you."
And there it was for the hundredth time today, that full on smirk that drove me insane.

"Stand right here.", he grabbed me by my shoulders and led me to the back of the cockpit where there was somewhat enough space.

"I will be approaching you but you will try to keep me in the exact same position I am in right now, using the force. If you're doing it right, both of us will stand in the same places as of right now. And no pushing me backwards past this point either!", he pointed to where he was standing. "This lesson will teach you to use just the right amount of power. No more and no less."

Now this isn't so bad, I thought relieved.

"Ready?", he looked into my eyes with a neutral expression. Only about 150cm were between us and I'd definitely try to keep that distance.


Instantly, he stormed towards me. I wasn't fast enough to raise my hand through which I would channel the force. As a consequence, Anakin practically ran into me, almost making me stumble backwards. But I stood my ground, literally. Now, however, his brick-wall-like chest was pressed against my front, while he looked down at me. I just met his eyes with terror. Our faces and bodies were definitely much too close! I could practically feel his breath upon my cheeks.

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