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"Hey you two! I have a snack for you both and some water bottles are in the back,"

"Thanks, dad,"

"You're welcome. Alyssa, they said they will give you something to calm you down, so does that sound okay?"

She shrugged, then nodded and quietly ate her snack, so I drove us all home. It sounded like she had a tough day. Her geography teacher had given me a call mid afternoon to say she tried to fake sick to go home, and they had told me this morning she was having her assessment so I assumed she'd had a long day. Axel on the other hand was radiating with positivity- I knew it had all been about worrying whether people at school would like him.

"When do we have to go?"

"You have time to get changed and tell me about your day,"

"I'm not talking about my day," she said, stomping upstairs, "He can,"

"Today was way better than I thought,"

"That's really good to hear bud, did you get on okay with the teachers?"

"Yeah, and the work was okay. We start new topics next week so thats good,"

"Yeah. Well I'm glad you were okay,"

"I'm excited to go again,"

"Good. Would you like to go and hang out at Luke's while we head out? Him and Sierra are always home in the evening so if you ever want or need to go someplace you can head over there,"

"Why would I need to?"

"Well, I just meant if I am in a surgery one time and not picking up you have them to rely on,"

"Oh, okay. Is Gabi home?"

"No, but Sierra is,"

"Okay. Yes please,"

"I'll drop you off,"

"Our friends wanna host our birthday,"

"That's sweet of them!"

"I feel a bit better,"

I hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek too, then he went off to watch tv. I made sure Alyssa was getting ready, and found her in pyjamas wrapped up in her blanket with a tear stained face. I wished both of them could be happy together, but it seemed that one of them was always upset if the other was happy.

"If this is too much I will cancel it,"

"I'm fine,"

"Wanna talk about today?"


"Okay... we should get going now. I'll make sure you stay nice and cosy in your blanket, and I will hold your hand,"

"Okay. Thank you,"

She held my hand all the way to the car, then sat in the front with me instead of the back with Axel. Since we dropped him off anyway, he didn't seem too offended.

When we arrived at the place it was pretty much the same procedure as last time, and they were pretty understanding. I wasn't a fan of it, but if it got the job done without any hassle, and I could get her home and cuddle any upset away, it had to do the job. She wouldn't have like the noises anyway.

Once it was over, we sat in the recovery room for a bit while she came around, but then she started begging to leave so we did. Axel told me he was staying at Luke's for a bit, so we went straight home and I carried her to the sofa, resting her against my side. The second our butts his the sofa, she sobbed.

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