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"Can I see the drumkit?"

"Hell yeah, is Alyssa okay?"

"She's sleeping, like a baby,"

"Bless her, it's in the basement, come on. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. I'm happy to be with her again, I've been pretty lonely,"

"It's not fair that they split you up like that,"

"No- woah. Holy shit! This is, wow... I've never seen a drumkit,"

"Wanna have a go?"

"Show me how it's done,"


I grabbed the drumsticks and sat down, then spun them in my hands and started playing, properly getting into it because I always did. I did only play one song, then looked up and passed the drumsticks over, smiling.

"Your turn,"

"You're badass,"

"I know,"

"Can you teach me?"

"Now there's a challenge I like,"

We probably spent an hour together just talking about the drum, and I had to admit it was more productive than the hour Alyssa had spent trying to play. She didn't seem too interested in it, and I suspected it was probably because it reminded her of Axel, rather than because she wanted to play.

Afterwards, we went up to the kitchen and I got us both some water, then he sat at the table, so I followed. He seemed a lot more at ease than her.

"I just wanna say that if she's been horrible to you then that's her being scared,"

"I know. She's okay,"

"Thank you for taking me in as well, I know you didn't have to. I'm grateful,"

"The more the merrier ay? You sound like a good kid, according to your sister anyway,"

"Well she would say that,"

"I suppose so,"

"She's the one who feels the emotions, she's very empathetic, and if something freaks her out thats it, yanno? And I'm the one who just... I just have get on with things. We are a good team, we look out for each other,"

"You're allowed to feel emotions too,"

"I guess,"

"You are," I smiled, "Do you like your room then?"

"Yeah, we used to share a sofa bed so it's way better. Ally said you said about private school, is that for real?"

"If you want, we are gonna look,"

"I'm going wherever she goes,"

"That's alright,"

"I wanna be a nurse, but I flunked school so bad before, and I wanna do well now. I think I'll concentrate more here,"

"It's always good to have a goal, nurses are very important! I am sure you're more than capable,"

"Do you think?"

"Of course,"

"Okay. Cool. No one's said that before,"

"I think living here might be a bit of a change for you both, might it? A good one, but all change can be difficult,"

"Yeah... you're like... it's just cool here. You're like... yeah,"

"Would you like some lunch?"

"Yeah, please . Does Alyssa eat lunch?"

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