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That was a month ago.
Perhaps longer.

I didn't see him. I didn't see Axel and I didn't know if I ever would, with both of us stuck in separate group homes, recovering from injuries, with no money or way to get to each other. I couldn't even call him.

He was far away.

And I was miserable. Today was meant to be good, today I was meant to be meeting someone who'd hopefully like me enough to take me in again as their own, only this time less dodgy.
But I was miserable because Axel should be here. He was the one who stuck up to our cousins, and made sure we got given food, and helped me with school. Axel deserved this more than me.

Still, he would hate me for not trying, so I put on my a dress and then my sling again, wiping jam from my cheek from the toast. I didn't totally hate it here, but I didn't exactly wanna stay.
Plus getting out of here was one stop closed to Axel and I being together again.

"Alyssa, we need to go,"

"I'm not ready,"

I brushed my hair, which didn't make much difference because I had sort of let it turn into a mess. I hadn't been to school so I didn't need to look okay for anything until now, and I mostly just stayed in bed because I was still recovering from the accident. Plus, the minimal 'people' skills I had before all of this were now non existent.

"Have you packed an overnight bag?"



"Do I really just get dropped off at this strangers house and left?"

"You agreed, he agreed, you know a bit about him don't you?"

"Knowing he's a nerd doesn't mean I know about him,"

"Well don't say that to his face,"

My social worker picked up my bag for me and led me downstairs to put my shoes on. They got me slip on ones when I came because I couldn't tie laces, and a lot of my things got destroyed in the accident. Most of it was crap, but I did lose a few childhood things and that still sucked to think about. I had no photos of Axel and I anymore.

We got in the car and she let me choose the music because it was a bit of a drive, but I zoned it out anyway and watched out the window.

I knew a bit about him. He was called Ashton. He was a doctor. He was single. I mean, if he was a rich doctor and single then I thought that was probably a red flag because who wouldn't wanna marry a (probably) rich doctor, but I had to remember not to actually judge him based on that. Apparently I hadn't got on well at the group home so they wanted me to go with someone who had no kids, because I liked being alone. That wasn't true, but I was shy without Axel, and miserable. I didn't talk to anyone because I saw no point. They weren't Axel.

"Is this a trial run for him?"

"For you both. You're allowed to not like it there,"


"If it goes smoothly you'll be allowed to stay there for a few months, then adoption things can go underway,"

"Okay. Is Axel the same? Are they finding Axel a family?"

"I am not Axel's social worker,"

"Just tell me if he already has a family. A fake one, because I am his actual family and you guys can't change that no matter how much you try,"

"He does not,"


We stopped outside a nice looking house with a fancy car parked outside, then she climbed out the car so I followed.

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