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"Good morning you two," I said, "What're you up to?"

"Waiting for breakfast,"

The pair of them sat at the table on their phones, which had been glued to their side since they got them. I was relieved to see them together, not shouting at each other- they seemed to have made up properly last night, and we did watch a film.

Teenage years were pretty hard, regardless of how good or bad your life experiences were, and I wasn't surprised they had a disagreement. I was just glad it was over for now (I wasn't that naïve, I knew more would come, though I could tell arguments weren't usually their thing).

"You know you can get breakfast yourself, right?"


"It's our food, not just my food. This is all our house," I smiled, "What do you fancy?"


"How about I cook up some eggs and you guys get dressed?"

"Do I have to dress nicely to look round this school?"

"Not your joggers,"

Alyssa huffed, but they both went upstairs, so I started making eggs on toast. Axel was up and down in just a few minutes, wearing a plain black top and jeans, so I gave him is; Alyssa wasn't down by the time the next eggs were made, so I ate them.

Once she did come down, I was finished, so I got up and made hers. She had put on a blue jumper with some jeans, but her sling was off so Axel helped her put it back on. Suddenly I was not allowed to help her in any shape or form when it came to her shoulder, but I was okay with that because I didn't want to be seen as a doctor at all.

"We're gonna leave soon so chop chop,"

"I don't feel great,"

"How so?"

"My chest hurts and I feel sick,"

"Are you anxious?"


"I'll stick with you and do the talking," I said, rubbing her back as she hovered by my side, "Get yourself a drink and sit down,"

She shook her head and clung onto my arm, making it extremely difficult for me to cook and carry it over when she was done. I could tell she didn't want me to leave her side, but I had to wash up, so I gave her hand a squeeze before. Axel helped me out, which was nice, then he went and got his shoes on.

"How are you doing sweetheart?"


"I'll stay with you,"

"I'm no good at school. Ax will be, but I'm no good,"

"They'll give you all the help you need,"

"I don't need help I'm just really dumb. Honestly, it was clearly not our dad with the brains, it was his mum,"

"I am sure you're very intelligent, and besides, it doesn't matter, as long as you try,"

"You're a genius. Won't you be embarrassed?"

"No," I smiled, "What shoes are you gonna wear?"

"I only have one pair,"

"No, we got you new ones,"

"Oh, yeah... my pink and white trainers,"

"I'll grab them for you. I think your social worker is gonna come round later to have a chat with you, yeah?"

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