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"Ally! Our friends wanna see you,"

"Do I look okay?"

"You look perfect," dad said, "I'll give you some space,"

He climbed over me and went downstairs, then I heard everyone else running up, all of them peering round my door.

"Woah your room is so nice,"


"I missed you so much," Maria said, sitting by my legs, "Does it hurt?"

"Of course it hurts," Haz said, "Hey, Ally, your brother's got a crush,"

"No I don't!"

"Can't wait to hear all about them non-stop,"

"My mum put this together," June said, putting a basket next to me, "We do miss you, it's been like a week. When do you come back?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe not for a bit,"

"Can we stay and hang out?"

"Yeah, sure,"

"I'll bring the games in!"

Axel ran to his room, and everyone sat down in some place or another. Once the games were plugged in, he sat in dad's spot and handed out controllers, sharing his with me.

We actually managed to get through a couple of different games before Ethel wanted to drop everyone back, and seeing my friends had definitely been something I had needed. It lifted a weight off my chest for an hour or so, and I did feel a little less alone after. I guess sometimes you needed a reminder that you did have people around you.

"Here's some water. It sounded like you guys had fun!"

"Yeah, I got gifts,"

"No way, what's in it?"

I went through the basket and pulled everything out; fluffy socks, some movies, some new pyjamas, scrunchies, a sleeping mask, a book, and some spray for your pillow that was meant to help you sleep.

I felt very lucky, and surprised that she had got me anything at all. Feeling like part of a community wasn't something Axel and I were used to. We were a hassle to our cousins, I was starting to see. We got bullied, teachers didn't like us, we had each other and that was that.

Now we had a dad, and friends, and even though bullies were at school we had people to back us up. I remembered being shit scared to come here, to move in with yet another stranger.

I truly, truly did not think I would meet someone like Ashton, who would welcome me with open arms as I am. Even though I had changed a bit while living here, it wasn't because I had to change for him, it was that he helped me grow.

"That's a lot of nice stuff, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Can I talk to Axel on my own please?"

"Of course. I'll get cooking something from Cal,"

Axel was packing my things back into the basket, but I pushed it away and leant into him, hugging him as best as I could.

"I did a good job, didn't I?" I said.

"Picking a dad?"


"Yeah, you did," he laughed, "I wasn't even trying!"

"Like, I still feel like absolute crap, but at least I get to have a family and nice friends whilst I do that,"

"Yeah. I struggled a bit this week without dad, but I had other family and I learnt to appreciate that. Yanno, we have people who are willing to come and look after us,"

"That's what u was just thinking about kind of. We have a community,"

"And we are definitely the least helpful members,"

"Maybe we will be helpful one day," I giggled, "I think we helped dad. He loves being a dad, doesn't he?"

"He does. He thanked me for letting him hang out with us the other day... are we lame for wanting him to hang out? I couldn't imagine not hanging out,"

"I dunno. I'm not an expert on having a dad, no more than you,"

"Yeah, I know. I'm glad we have no memories really of our old dad, still sucks to know he didn't want us but he would never compare to Ashton,"

"Me too. That story about your name was so good," I giggled, "Or is it actually true?"

"Total bullshit, got 'em good. Our cousins tried to make me believe that for a good while,"

"My therapist is gonna have so much fun,"

"Ha, yeah, the school counsellor wants me to do that too,"

"Shall we go together?"

"I'm down,"

"No making up stories though," I giggled, "You haven't lied to dad, have you?"

"One time I made up a cute story of me using pots and pans as drums so he'd let me use the drumkit,"

"You probably did,"

"You know I never willingly stepped foot in that kitchen,"


"Oh Ally, I am so excited for you to get better so we can finally relax here. I get so excited to come home from school just because I can't believe we have our own bedrooms and get homemade food,"

"I'm excited too. Dad said we will get passports and go on holiday,"

"For real?"

"Yeah. Who knew we would ever go on a holiday?"

"Who knew we would ever have any of this,"

"I know. I almost forgot good people existed, but I am very grateful that we now get to be with them every single day,"

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