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"She didn't bite my head off,"


"She wanted to see me,"


I looked over at Axel and saw him staring at the ceiling, his arms folded over his body. His eye was still all swollen, and he was breathing heavily.

"School will be fun with you back,"

"I might take a sick day,"

"No, you need to come back and see that everyone likes you a lot,"

"You're lying,"

"I don't lie,"

"Yes you do,"

"Please come, Axel. Please,"

"What does depression feel like?"

He looked at me, then back at the ceiling and sighed.

"Um, that's a big question,"

"I feel so numb right now,"

"Come to school. I feel a bit better when I'm with our friends,"

"I don't feel like I want to get out of bed ever again,"

"I thought you loved it here,"

"I do. I don't know why I feel like this,"

"I don't know why I do either. Maybe our brains are broken,"

"Maybe," he sighed, "Ash got unlucky,"

"My profile probably sold me too well,"

"Fashion designer,"

I giggled and sat up, looking round my bedroom. It was a bit messy, but it was all bright and cosy, and I could tell Ashton had really tried before I moved in to make it a bit homely.

"What are you two giggling about?"



"How unlucky you got because we are all sad and weird,"

"I think I got pretty lucky," Ashton said, "Imma help you both feel much happier and safer, stop calling yourselves weird,"

"Axel is really sad,"

"I know. We've spoken,"

"He wants to take a sick day tomorrow,"

"I know, and he isn't,"

"You know everything already?"

"I speak to dad," he mumbled, "About myself. Not other people,"

"I'm worried,"

"I'll be fine,"

"Food is ready, how about we all eat together?"

Ashton just smiled at us until we both left to go downstairs, then he followed us both and got us drinks for the table.
The food was nice, like always, but there was silence at the table so he turned the radio on.

Today had been a weird day.

Axel started crying at the table so I left and took a shower, then got into bed and watched some tv. Ashton must've given Luke my number because he messaged to make sure I was doing okay after today, but I ignored it.

Eventually, I heard Axel come up to bed. He got changed and brushed his teeth, then brought his blanket to my room and laid beside me, sobbing into my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't good at these things.

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