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"This tastes amazing, Lu. Thank you so much,"

"Of course. Is it okay for you, Alyssa? If not we can make something else,"

"It's nice,"

"Good. Would you like to take Petunia on a walk after we have eaten? I know it's getting a bit chilly but we can lend you a coat,"

"I just wanna stay in,"

"No problem. How was the rest of school today? Any fun lessons?"

I shook my head and stared down at my food, sulking.

"Bad day,"

"Awh man, I'm sorry sweet. What would you like to do this evening?"

"I felt like shit this morning, Axel had to do my hair, I didn't wanna go to school, I left class to cry, then some guy gave me attention and I was stupid and he's made me more sad,"

"You were not stupid, you didn't do anything wrong," Sierra said, "Now promise me you won't say that you did again,"


"Good. It's super hard to have a tough day, but that's why we're here to help,"

I started to cry again at the table, and Luke opened his arms for a hug, letting me shuffle into him. Gently, he rubbed my back and supported the back of my head, scratching it slightly.

"You're safe here. I hope tomorrow is better for you angel, I'm so sorry you were disrespected and I am so proud of you for not letting it carry on. That was brave. Things will get easier,"


"I wish you could put a time frame on it. Let's focus on now, what will make you feel better now?"

"Laying in your bed with Petunia,"

"That does seem to be a good fix for a lot of things huh? Why don't we watch some tv while we lay?"


"Finish up your food then we will for a bit, but I expect getting you home will also help,"

I finished eating, then they cleared up and we went upstairs to their huge beg. I laid in the middle with Petunia, and rested on Sierra's side to watch tv. Knowing she was here to protect me made me feel really safe in life, and I was still grateful to now have a girl to look up to. A lady, I supposed. She was beautiful and intelligent and kind which is what I wanted to be.

After a while, they convinced me to go home, but only because I wanted to get in bed. Sierra dropped me off, and I put on a big smile and pretended I had wanted to hang out with them all along.
Axel interrogated me hard about the date, but I kept a happy face then got ready for bed. Keeping a straight or happy face for Axel was difficult, but I really didn't want to see him get punched again so I managed. He helped me take my hair out, then brushed my teeth with me, but went straight to bed after.

I grabbed my blanket and put it round me, then shuffled into Ashton's room which was lit up by his lamp.

"Hiya darling! Did you have fun?"

I felt my face change without even meaning to, then dropped my blanket and started to cry as quietly as I could. His whole demeanour changed, he tensed up, and locked his jaw.

"Tell me what happened right now,"

"Can we go downstairs?"

"Of course," he said, getting up to put his dressing gown on, "Take your blanket,"

I picked it up and we went downstairs, then I sat next to him on the sofa and cried into his side for a bit while he gently rubbed my back.

"What happened darling? Tell me what happened,"

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