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"What's this?"

"A screwdriver,"

"How do I use it?"

"You twist the screws," I said, showing her, "Make sure they're nice and tight,"

"Okay, I'm very happy to have my own set of shelves,"

"We'll make them the best looking shelves ever,"

"Can I stick stuff on my wall?"

"Go for it. What are we gonna fill these shelves with?"

"I don't know... what are yours filled with?"

"Music and candles,"

"I don't know, maybe just cute things. I'm not interested in anything enough to do that,"

"I'm sure you'll find something. We're gonna look round school tomorrow,"

"Okay... hopefully Axel is okay with that,"

"I'm sure he will be, I had a good conversation with him earlier," I said, standing up at the doorbell rang, "That will hopefully be your phones,"

Axel had cooped himself up in his room for the morning, after helping us for about 5 minutes. He had the tv on to entertain himself, though by the sounds of things he was just watching a ton of drumming videos- I had just let him be.

When I answered the door, it was the phones, but they were in Calum's hands, the post man walking away down the drive.

"Oh hello?"

"I missed you,"

"Well that is very sweet," I said, "Thanks for the delivery,"

"How are they doing?"

"Hit and miss, I'll probably give it a few more days before we all see each other. Lots of emotions,"

"I see,"

He looked past my shoulder and smiled, then I turned to see Alyssa, who was stood holding her sling.

"It came off," she whispered.

"Oopsie daisy. This is Calum, he's one of my best friends. Calum, this is Alyssa,"

"Oh. You're not a delivery guy?" she said normally, coming out from where she was peeking round the corner, "Are you the one with the girl? He's obsessed with her,"


"His niece that's not his niece,"

"Oh, you mean Gabi. No, that's Luke and Sierra's kid, my niece too,"

"You all love her a lot,"

"We do, because she is family. You are family too," I said, "Let's get your sling on, reckon Cal could help us build your shelves?"

"Yeah, I can't use the screwdriver,"

"You had her using a screwdriver? You're not passing out the easy jobs are ya Ash?"

"It's a group effort. Calum can probably tie the sling better than me, I'll get drinks,"

We went to the kitchen and I made drinks, while Calum did her sling, pulling her hair out of the way. She watched him while he did it, then took a few steps away with her drink, watching us from afar.

"So what do you like to do?"

"Um... I dunno,"

"We were just saying how hopefully when she starts school she'll find something she's interested in,"

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