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the pipes shook as your frame slid through the metal chute- a thud resonating in the room as your body hit the ground below

you hitched a breath and winced

"..are you serious Karl.." you mumbled to yourself "fucking prick doesn't look at where he tosses those things"

you stood yourself up and dusted of your clothes with your hand

"Alcina?" you yelled up the chute- you assumed they'd hear you since you didn't necessarily fall that far- maybe just a couple stories

"Y/N? are you okay?" you heard the worried tone from above- her voice shook

"yeah-! nothing I couldn't take at this point" you looked around the room- the walls were covered in stone- it seemed like a maze from all the hallways it contained "I'll try to find my way out don't worry!"

"we're coming down to get you okay? hang tight draga mea" your lady reassured

you sighed audibly and simply decided to wait it out- this was Karl' factory after all so you were reassured that he'd know the fastest route to get to you

you sat down and laid your back up against the stone wall-

a couple minutes past and nothing- another two to three and you started hearing this slight humming

your eyes squinted momentarily and your eyebrows furrowed in concentration- 'what was that noise?'

you waited out a couple seconds before you heard the humming again

it sounded faint but some moments it sounded like a fan

"Alcina!" you called out, now getting anxious about the new clangor filling your ears

"come on where are they.." you bit your bottom lip faintly, looking around the small hallway you were in

the humming became louder- ripping through your ears, the sound definitely came from inside the room now

you had no idea what and where this thing has came from but you knew it probably didn't mean any good news- anything in Heisenberg' factory never screams good news

you propped yourself up back on your feet instantaneously- your breathing became hoarse as you peaked around the hallway

"Alcina?" you whispered in a slight panic "Alcina is that you?"

a big whirlwind of noise came cascading towards you- huge crashes and the sound of debris hitting the ground made you jump out the way towards the next hallway- it indeed was not Alcina

you didn't know where- but you ran, looking behind you momentarily- your eyes caught this huge muscular figure with a propeller for a head, the mysterious creature didn't have any forearms either

"fuck..!" you yelled, the figure aimed it's propeller towards you and immediately changed it's course of direction

you gasped sharply and changed to another hallway- your foot slipping by how fast you turned

another huge crashing noise appeared behind you as another wall came crashing down

regardless, you kept running- turning corners here and there to finally be met by this big metal door

you tried to open it but you immediately ran into a problem- it had no doorknob nor latch

"are you kidding me!" you stressed- you looked behind you and sprinted to the nearest corner as you heard the creature beginning to charge itself once again- by this point all the walls had been broken into- you had no idea what to do

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now