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Author's note ~


It's a bit boring as well- it's mostly just information about- well you'll see when you read

I wanted to make this chapter but I never knew how to bring it— so I literally free-styled it AND IT RESULTED TO BE SO BAD OFMGGJAICKSKFKSKKC PLZZZ

But the upcoming chapters are actually gonna be fun and happier :> hehe fluff and soft content coming :D

~~~~~~~~~~1 week time skip~~~~~~~~~~

A warm feeling settled in your core, there was nothing better than a book in hand with some tea to accompany it

Knowing your lady was safe and sound, sleeping only a couple of feet away from your chair while you on the other hand, were wide awake, it was one of those nights where your head was blaring with questions and thoughts that simply kept you up on your toes

The sound of the fireplace crackling next to you, the soft noise of the pages turning time to time, and the sound of your teacup being placed on it's small plate making a "tink" noise every now and then peacefully filled the room

Now that you finally had all the time in the world in your hands- knowing Mother Miranda was deceased and supposedly being immortal by the side of the three lords left in the village, you decided to take the time and read the book Daniela suggested to you

Aside from Bela, Cassandra and Daniela's dark history of slaughtering for their mother day to day, they were basically normal teenage girls with likings and fears of their own

Bela has a love and passion for baking, she'd always get so very excited when you'd offer to spend the day and bake with her, and you both shared a fear- which was heights, it wasn't necessarily the height that bothered you, it was the feeling of falling that scared you both. But another fear she held was being forgotten by the ones she loved the most

Cassandra had a strong love for nature, she adored taking walks around the forest that surrounded the castle slightly- but only when the temperature was warm enough for her to step outside. And her biggest fear was seeing her loved ones die which you shared as well

Daniela, she's the most mischievous out of the three, loving to tease and cause havoc around the castle, but she had a very calming side to balance her out- and that was reading, she was as much of a bookworm as you and she shared the same passion for crystals and pretty stones as well. Her biggest fear is dying, never would she want to see the day that'd happen since the fear of leaving you all terrifies her to her core

Knowing the girls had such normal and innocent traits/likings, made it feel as if they were truly still human in your eyes and you felt as such that's all they wanted to be perceived as instead of monsters

And this truly made you start to wonder, was Alcina, Bela, Cassandra, Daniela, Donna, Karl and Moreau still human? Just mutated to certain extents to make it seem like they weren't?

You were completely pulled out from your book, you haven't even noticed that you lowered it down to your lap, now staring right at the wall in front of you as your thoughts continued in your mind

You never figured out what your lady's- well your daughters now as well were, were they flies? Humans with strange powers? How did your lady grow to be 9'6 feet tall? How is Angie alive? How can Karl manipulate metal? These are answers you felt as if you needed to know-

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now