The beginning

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Author's note ~

I'm so sorry for the hell I'm about to bestow on this story.....


You lit up some candles around the room, the moonlight hitting on the sunroof, creating a dim light just wasn't enough to be able to read the contents of a book

You've already been in this library thousands of times already, but you've never really examined it thoroughly before

'If there was a hidden room in my lady's study, there's bound to have one in the library, right? It's just cliché to have!' You thought to yourself, placing your index and thumb on your chin to think to yourself

You looked around the room looking for any type of misplaced book or even a hidden lever or some sorts

You sighed audibly "gosh.. this library is huge, it would take hours just to-"

You didn't even finish your sentence before an idea shut you up

'If there are secret rooms only Alcina knows about, then they should be places only SHE could reach...'

You looked up, estimating the height your lady could reach, and even above that since she can reach higher

You couldn't see much since there wasn't much light in the room, but you didn't want to light more candles, afraid if someone would walk by and see the small glow underneath the crack of the door

You squinted your eyes to try and focus on anything out of the ordinary "hmmmm"

Your kept your head up looking at the taller part of the bookcases, but started taking some steps forward for different point of views

One of your steps lead to you hitting a small wooden hinge sticking out of one of the bookshelf, making you trip in the process "wha!-" your hands caught your fall as you only then landed on your knees 'jeez-'

At the same time your knees hit the ground you heard a sudden click underneath you

You looked back to see the small hinge sticking more out of the bookshelf "huh?"

You stood up and dusted off your pyjama pants, but as you were looking down you noticed a dim light underneath the wooden floorboards

"A-hah!! I knew there'd be a secret room in here! And conveniently I found it in time" you immediately slapped your hands on your mouth, noticing you've been extremely loud 'uh-oh' you looked at the door for a good minute or two waiting for someone to appear, but luckily nobody came

You sighed in a relieved manner and looked back at the small wooden piece sticking out the bookshelf  "but how'd I never notice this before?.." you face palmed 'ugh! If only I paid more attention to my surroundings'

You just shook off the thought of your clumsiness and was just thankful you were able to get a step closer to finding the secret room

'It didn't seem to open up..only light up the room' You thought to yourself, becoming confused at the way this room was constructed

You pointed at the wooden piece "maybe if.." then pointed your finger directly up vertically "then.."

Your eyes locked onto a book "there!"

It was off coloured, the books around it looked as if there was years and years of dust collecting on such but that one singular book you spotted looked as if it's been messed with recently

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now