Christmas pt.2

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You and your lady both walked down long hallways

Alcina had to slow down her steps, as you were trailing in the back struggling and wobbling around in your stilettos

She snickered at the sight and offered you a hand

You grabbed her black gloved hand and finally started to grasp onto some balance

She gave you a tender smile as you started to get the hang of it by now

You both arrived at the top of the living quarter stairs, you peaked down at the grand entrance door and there they were

A petite woman wearing an all black gown and a vale on her head- Donna, in her arms was this doll, wearing what looked like a wedding dress- Angie

Next to her was another woman, but this one was taller than the previous one, she had a mask covering her eyes- it looked like a crow almost, she was also wearing a black dress- Mother Miranda

Behind both of them you could see a slumped figure, a black cloak draped onto his body as he wore a crown made of sticks and bones- Moreau

And finally, a tall man with grey hair, a hat, sunglasses was standing next to all of them, he wore this grey looking trench coat and a weird looking necklace- Heisenberg

"Welcome to all!" Your lady said as she was leaning over the staircase to get a better look at them "I'm so very glad you could make it" she started taking steps down the stairs, you followed along side of her

A nervousness bloomed inside of your chest, you tried to hide yourself as best as you could from their sights as of the lasts encounters you've faced with them got pretty heated to say the least- especially with Mother Miranda

You both reached the bottom of the stairs

"Well, it's nice to be welcomed to such estate" the bird looking woman spoke up

You heard a scoff come out of Heisenberg's mouth as he was looking around, both hands on his hips in an impatient manner, you could definitely tell he didn't want to be here "yeah, sureee" he rolled his eyes

Donna was a pretty shy and put together person, she didn't speak much and she kept everything to herself, but Angie on the other hand- "where's the food! Donna said there's be food here! And presents!! Where are those?!" The doll screamed, it echoed through the living quarters as you tensed up a bit

Moreau simply stayed quiet, he looked down to the ground in a melancholic way

"Now now, Angie. We'll get to the presents later on into the night, I promise" your lady justified, she looked behind her to notice your small figure hidden behind hers

Angie groaned and started levitating out of Donna's arms, floating around your lady to see what she was looking at "oh! It's you!" She blared out

Your shrieked as now it was set in stone that you weren't unnoticed anymore

Your lady moved you up next to her and placed a hand on your shoulder

You gulped as you then looked at the three others lords, putting a hand up in a greeting sign "i-it's nice for you all to b-be here" you chocked out

You noticed Mother Miranda's pleased stare, her eyes were as sharp as knives and they pierced right through you, making you gulp in nervousness

Mother Miranda looked up at your lady and cleared her throat "you seem to be very fond of this.. maiden, Alcina" she started and moved closer to you "what's so special about this one, that she gets such special treatment?" The bird woman was now in front of you, she was at least a foot taller than you, she grabbed your face firmly and admired you "first the ceremony.. now a Christmas gathering.. hmm"

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now