Donna pt.2

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The buzzing of the elevator was unnerving as it lowered into the floor below

'I hope this doesn't wake up the others..' you picked at your nails nervously and sighed 'maybe I should've just stayed in bed?'

"I hope Alcina is okay as well.." you pushed back your hair out your face and mumbled "she didn't seem like she was in danger, but she seemed more stressed than before..I should ask her about that when I get back, we should have a talk"

A 'ding' sound then the metallic doors sliding took your attention

The other side was quite light, the first thing you noticed was what you assumed to be a hallway at the other end of the room

You took a step out the elevator and looked around

There was a door on the right of the room you were in, it seemed like you were in the entrance

Confirming your guess, the room turned into a hallway if you took a couple more steps ahead

When you neared the middle of the room, the metallic doors of the elevator slammed shut

'Huh??' You turned around to see

A creaking was heard from the end of the hallway you haven't seen yet

'this is sketching me out..let's just, go back to bed, this was all such a bad idea'

You pressed the button on the right side of the elevator and waited for the doors to open

Patiently you stared the doors down

"C'mon..I don't want to be here anymore.."

A nervousness bloomed deep inside your chest and into your core when you realized the door wasn't opening anymore

You pressed the button again, again, again again and again


You clenched your jaw took a step back to think of what to do

Something smelt off

The scent of something burning filled your nostrils

"What the-" you covered your nose with the collar of your shirt and turned on the flashlight you kept in hand since you left your room

You examined the door and looked off to the left- a breaker box and a thin plume of smoke coming from it was all you saw

"What the.." you dragged your feet towards it and opened the metallic box revealing a burnt out fuze

'How the fuck- I used it once!!' You stared at it in disbelief  'how am I gonna get back up there?!'

A long sigh escaped your mouth "just my luck huh? Of course" you rolled your eyes in pure annoyance

"DONNA! BELA! CASSANDRA! DANIELA!" You screamed out at the top of your lungs, placing your hands on the elevator while standing on your tippy toes to try and get taller- hoping they'd somehow hear you better

You cussed yourself out and turned back around "I highly doubt Donna's going to have an extra fuze in here"

You waited near the elevator for a couple seconds wondering if they'd come or have even heard you

Now that you fully examined the room you saw two chairs, a cabinet, some type of table with a lamp and two pictures on it and in the corner was another type of table with a flower pot on top

'Hmm, this room is actually quite nice now that I think about it' You fiddled with the flashlight in your hands 'I doubt I'll need this since there's light here'

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now