Aching for eachother pt.1

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Author's note ~

You guys are literally the horniest people I think I've ever seen 🧍🏼‍♀️ so you know what?.



^ I damn well know ya'll won't 🙄 so enjoy ig


Once the other lords left the castle you and your lady retreated back to your room, you were exhausted and your lady was thrilled for your return, especially now that you two have been engaged

Your daughters headed outside to go hunt for some prey to bring back to the castle, so the castle was cleared from any distractions, apart from some maidens- but you both knew they wouldn't knock or bother you unless it was a grave emergency

"So, would you mind telling me how the others suddenly appeared at our castle when I saw them at their houses only a bit before arriving here?" You asked while plopping onto the bed "are you telling me they were clones?" You giggled jokingly

"Actually yes" you lady sat down next to you

You sat up immediately "wait what?!" Your eyes darted immediately at your lady's direction

"Well no, they weren't necessarily clones per say" she cleared her throat "Donna, as you may know- can conjure strong illusions

You nodded slowly, listening attentively "mhmm?"

"Right after dinner Donna implanted some pollen near you..enough for you to cause hallucinations" she tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear

"So..was I with the clones? Or the originals?.." you asked

"The clones my dear. But don't worry, your hallucinations tapped into your subconscious- so they acted as they would normally" she explained

"But..they felt so real.." you rubbed the back of your neck

"Well, they were darling.." she sighed "I don't know how to explain it, you'd have to ask Donna once you have the chance" she bit her lip slightly, looking down at you

"She definitely is a master in botany hmm?.." your eyes wandered to another part of the room

"Mhmm, she sure is darling"

'Were the clones..really there? that why I felt faint before leaving?..' you shook your head 'this is weird'

"Y/N?" Your lady grabbed your chin softly, forcing your face closer to hers "is something on your mind my dear?"

A blush ran across your face " my lady"

She paused for a moment, it seemed as if she was searching something in her mind "Y/N? May I ask something dear" your lady spoke up bluntly

You turned your attention to the woman "yes? What is it my love?" You propped yourself up and scooted closer to the countess

"Why do you still call me 'my lady'?" She asked, cupping your cheek lovingly, she had a certain look in her eyes- tho you didn't quite know what it meant

You thought for a moment "hmm, I actually don't quite know- I see it more as a habit? Of being your maiden in the past?"

"Ohh~ is that just a fancy way of admitting that I have dominance over you?~" she gently stroked your face "as if you need to people to know that I'm yours?~"

The blush on your face burnt into a warm crimson almost immediately "I-I..well..w-when you uhm" you cleared your throat nervously "put i-it that way..."

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now