Fever pt.2

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Author's note ~

I didn't know what to call this since it's basically the next day of the sickness but it's kinda on a different topic, so I just decided to split it into "2 parts" I guess lmao

⚠️also, mention of vaccination needles! I'll put a warning for when that time comes so you can skip over it. I want all my readers to be comfortable :>⚠️


You felt a pressure on your forehead, it was cold and firm

You slowly opened your eyes to meet the gaze of your lady, she was feeling your forehead

She noticed your eyes opening and removed her hand quickly "oh, Y/N. my sincerest apologies! I didn't want to wake you, I simply wanted to take your temperature"

You stretched out your arms above your head and smiled towards her "oh, it's quite alright my lady" you yawned deeply "it was probably time that I get up anyways" you said while sitting upright

Her eyes softened, she gazed upon your sleepy mannerisms, and how you looked at her with a tired look in your eyes

"Hmm, well if that's the case. Good morning
Y/N" she kissed your cheek softly "I hope you slept well" she pulled a hair back behind your ear

'I could get used to this' you thought to yourself 'seeing Alcina first thing in the morning when I wake up, sign me in!' You started daydreaming, drifting off into your own little world

But moments after you felt a hand get placed on your shoulder

You snapped back into reality "huh? What?" You looked at your lady confused "sorry! I was, uhm thinking that's all" you giggled nervously 'oopsies'

She showed a small grin "that's quite alright, I can't be mad at you since you still feel warmer than you should. I was only stating that I'll be making you breakfast this morning" she got up from the bed "and also, how are you feeling dear?"

'Alcina? Making me breakfast?' Your heart melted 'oh my gosh..' "o-oh! Well, my nose is still pretty stuffed, my throat still hurts just a tiny bit, but! My stomach ache and headache is gone completely" you smiled widely at the good news and got up yourself

You walked up to Alcina, she was already dressed in her off white dress, gloves, heels and signature hat, she must've been up for a bit before she accidentally woke you up

You tugged at her dress softly to get her attention, she looked down at you "hmm? Yes darling?" She crouched down to be at your level

"Uhmm, I don't have one of my proper maiden outfits here" you stated shyly "what do I wear?"

"Oh! You can wear your pyjamas my dear! I'm almost certain it's only us in the castle, my daughters are away getting some medicine for you, and the other maiden's well-" she shook her head "well that's not important"

Curiosity struck your mind 'hm? What happened to the maidens?' You thought for a good long moment 'come to think of it.. it's actually been a huge while since I've encountered one by either walking next to one in the hallways, or being paired up with one during a task'

"What's troubling your mind Y/N?" She asked "your face is telling me there's a cacophony of thoughts in there" She stood up straight

You shook your head "oh! No there's nothing my lady! Really" you reassured her

She gave you a small smile "please do tell if something is bothering you, okay?"

You nodded "yes of course Alcina!" You gave her a smile back

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now