Night terrors

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Author's note ~

I'm such a dumb dumb- I literally finished the chapter but didn't press publish 💀💀 THEN I FUCKING FELL ASLEEP AND ONLY NOW REALIZED OMFGGGGGGG

Pardon my stupidity ya'll- 🙄🙄


Your body was laying on the ground, it was cold, the blanket only covered you and not the ground, your eyes opened as you sat up slowly

"Hmm?.." you rubbed your eyes softly, adjusting to the darkness

The fireplace wasn't lit anymore, just a thin plume of smoke that rose up from the charred wood

You looked around the room, it was pitch black, you could only really assume that it was even more towards the middle of the night than when you first fell asleep

You got slowly, your body was sore from all previous events and you groaned softly

Using the small coffee table next to you as leverage you knocked down your tea cup, shattering the glass all over the floors of your room

The sudden noise scared you as

"Shit.." you murmured to yourself "I can't see anything.."

You patted down the coffee table slowly and cautiously trying not to knock anymore things down

But conveniently there was a oil lamp, it felt as if it just appeared out of nowhere

"Hm?.. I could've sworn that wasn't there when I got here.."

You lit up the lamp and looked down

Pieces of white glass was scattered near your feet "great, now how am I gonna get out of here?" You sighed

You looked around the room once more "where's Alcina?.."

You tilted your head "weren't her daughters here as well??" You scratched your head while thinking 'where'd they go?'

"Hmmm" you carefully got on top of the coffee table and crawled to the other end, getting further from the glass on the ground

"Alright, that surprisingly worked"

You gripped your oil lamp with a firm hand "I should probably go find everyone, it's strange to think that they just left" you pouted a bit at the thought that they simply just left you alone after everything you've gone through

You looked to the clock above the door "huh??"

'Where'd the clock go?!' You thought to yourself absolutely confused of the thought

A confused look lingered on your face, first your lady and her daughters were gone, and now the clock?

Thing were getting weirder and weirder by the second, you just wanted out of the room

So you did just that, you headed towards the door and turned the handle, stepping out of the pitch black room only supported by a dim lamp to a hallway full of lamps on the wall to support your vision

You turned off your lamp now that you had proper lighting and set it down next to the door

You heard a deafening scream coming from the floor below you, it filled your ears and mind with dread as a shiver crept alongside your back

"Who was that??" You mumbled slightly in fright

You hurried through the hallways and down the stairs as another scream filled the castle air, leaving you in terror

'What's going on here?'

"Alcina!!" You yelled out

And yet another deafening scream entered your ears in return

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now