Donna pt.1

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Author's note ~

Ya'll are horny. That's all I gotta say 💀
A good 5 of you were like "smut?? 👀" on the last chapter

Horny asf I tell you


It's coming soon gawd dayum- 💀 LMFAOOOOO


Your walk to the Beneviento estate was quite calm, well- aside from your daughters causing havoc and rambling due to excitement and Angie of course

You found it quite adorable that the girls were excited and honestly, excitement crept up on you as well

'I don't believe that I've ever been to a sleepover before..well, I think?' You brought your index finger and thumb to your chin thinking 'I wondered if I had friends before Mother Miranda acknowledged me'

"Ooh!! Auntie Donna! Do you remember when we made homemade jam?" Cassandra reminded the doll maker

"Oh, I do yes" she replied

"We haven't made any in agesss! Could we make some tonight?!" Bela added excitedly

"Y/N never got to try our homemade jams before!" Daniela contributed into the conversation

Donna thought for a moment "I believe the berries have grown near the village, we could go after we drop off our things at my house, what do you think?"

The three smiled brightly and nodded

"Just like old times!" Bela chimed

Your heart melted over the three ecstatic women, even tho they've been alive for well over decades, they still acted as if they were teenagers

You felt terrible that they got captured by Mother Miranda since they probably would've had an amazing life without needing to bear this one, but they seemed strangely happy even now

You made it to the central village, a graveyard full of gravestones covered the ground as you walked between them, trying not to disrespect any of them

A statue caught your eye as you walked past, it was quite cracked and dirty but you could still tall what it was

But after you looked around, the surrounding areas were broken down, some houses were in great condition whilst others were quite the opposite..

Burnt charcoal marks painted entire houses and some even had entire walls ripped off of the base

'I wonder if any of this will ever be fixable..' you thought to yourself 'or even habitable'

Donna came to a halt and the rest stopped, you one the other hand hadn't noticed so you accidentally bumped into Cassandra

"Oh!! Gosh, I'm so sorry Cass" you placed both hands on her arms and squeezed softly

She only laughed at your clumsy-ness "Y/N! Have no worries, I'm not mad"

You sigh if relief 'god- Y/N, pay more attention' you face palmed and looked at where the group was situated

A rather large door made of wood stood in front of you all, the things that you noticed immediately were two fetus looking beings, one  on each of the doors

'Ehhh..' you tilted your head a bit confused of what that symbolized

A small click made your ears become alert, Donna had unlocked the strange doors with a specific key- one that looked like the fetus designs on the door

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя