Bonding pt.2

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Author's note ~

Sorry if some words get repetitive in this chapter 💀 it's literally 2:19pm and I haven't slept since basically Tuesday so maybe it won't make sense?? Idk I'll re-read it back later on and tinker with somethings maybe 💀💀💀 UHHHHHH I GO SLEEP NOW, BUT ENJOY FHAKFHSKF

You took in a deep breath of the warm fresh breeze, it was a nice change from being in the castle all the time

Your legs were moving at a slower pace than normal, you weren't used to walking to slow since your lady- well obviously moved quicker and your daughters could turn into swarms and it felt as if they basically teleported

But you changed your rhythm for the dollmaker who was accompanying you back on your walk

"I appreciate your kind gesture for keeping me company Donna" you turned your head towards her "though you didn't have to, you could've stayed with the group"

"Nonsense Y/N, I wouldn't want you to be alone" she paused for a moment as you both were walking through the wooden trails "it's the least I could do for your kindness towards us" her voice was soft

You smiled kindly "well, thank you. I admire your kind heart"

You walked alongside the trees, following the dirt path for a while in a comfortable silence-

Donna always had that calming presence, but Angie was always there to balance it out with her chaotic energy- a perfect balance of the two

But Angie was actually pretty relaxed, her legs were swinging back and forth as she was sitting on your shoulders- looking around at the trees and flowers all around you 3

'Hmm, strange- Angie seems quite calm' you thought to yourself

Your thought was interrupted by the familiar calm voice you knew "-happy"

You shook your head to snap yourself back into reality completely and looked at the lord accompanying you "huh?? what did you say? I'm sorry I was just thinking of something"

"Oh no apologies!" She waved her hands at you nervously "I just said thank you for making Alcina happy, never in all my years living as a lord with her have I seen her this happy"

'Hm?? Where's this all coming from?' You felt Angie's legs stop swinging, staying still- only moving when you took certain steps, she leaned her body towards your head, half laying on top of it

"It seems as if you don't just make her happy, you've brought sunlight on our darkened paths" she explained

"Woah..Donna, where's this all coming from? I haven't even done anything!" You gave her a look of uncertainty

"But you have Y/N, take Karl for instance- he came on a picnic with us- you know how he was when you first met him" she looked over in your direction finally "and he was even worst before then..he'd always be so mean towards anyone and even most of the time us-" she inhaled a deep breath and sighed audibly thinking about such melancholic past "but now, he treats us like siblings, like he always loved us"

You blinked a couple of times "yes..I've realized his behaviour changing, but what does that have to do with my appearance in the group?" You asked curiously

"You killed Mother Miranda" she stopped walking for a moment and you stopped as well "without you, we'd still be chained up by her grasp, all she wanted was a vessel- and once she realized we were unfit for such she seemed to neglect us..until you arrived" she stopped talking for a split-second "which is leading me to say sorry as well"

You tilted your head confused "Donna? Why are you apologizing?" You asked- even more confused than before

"For everything" she started back her rhythm of walking and you joined her immediately "it honestly seems as if your life's been massacred by meeting us"

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now