Feelings? Or Fear?

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Author's note ~
Hihi! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, I know the last three chapters were quite slow and it might seem like things aren't heating up between you and the countess, but things are gonna change soon ;) hehe, I just wanted to test the waters a little and see how I should start things off- I have so many ideas for when they're actually in love with each other but I genuinely have zero idea how to get to that point- slowburns are harder than I thought because I don't want to rush the relationship but I also don't want it to be too slow- T^T 
Anyways! Enjoy :)

Also, I apologize that this chapter is longer than the others- I got carrier away FHSKFJS

You've just finished all your tasks, dusting off the charcoal residue from earlier off your apron, you inhale and let out a satisfied sigh

'Now, all that remains is making dinner for the countess and her daughters' you smiled to yourself and headed towards the kitchen surprised that you remembered the way

When you arrived there was only two other maiden's there with worrisome look on their faces one of them yelled out "oh thank god another pair of hands!" She gripped your shoulders "It's nearly impossible to prepare this dinner with two people but I think we can pass by with three"

You looked at both their troubled faces "wait! The list said 7 people were going to work on this! Where are the other 4?" You replied

"They never arrived! And we haven't seen them around the castle either like usual" the other girl stated

"That doesn't matter now! We have to start this instantly if we want it done" the young woman cut both of you off, letting go of your shoulders in the process

You sighed loudly "you're right, let's get a move on"


In the middle of cooking you came across needing to use a thick crimson red liquid for one of the sauces, it didn't seem like a liquid you were familiar with but you poked your pinky finger in the bottle and tried it to see 't-this is blood-' you almost dropped the bottle and quickly wiped it off your tongue, despising the irony taste in your mouth

Looking around at the other two maiden's who looked unbothered with using the same thick liquid with other parts of the meal 'Do they know something I don't?.. do they even know they're working with blood at the moment?' You shook off the thought and decided not to question it too far for now, needing to prepare the dishes nonetheless


You just finished placing the last dish on the long dining table for the four Dimitrescu's to feast on, wiping sweat off your forehead, the three of you were proud that you managed with such little staff, you all lined up near the door waiting their arrival

Watching the three daughters walk in one by one followed by the countess bending down to get in the door, they all sat down and started feasting

"Y/N?" The countess looked at you who was still lined up with the other two maiden's

You stepped up

"Yes? My lady"

"Be a dear and get two whine bottles out from the basement would you?" She gave you kind but demanding eyes

You nodded "yes of course my lady, I'll be back shortly" you then proceeded to bow and left the room

Albeit you didn't know where you were going, you still managed somehow

You went down a long staircase but as you went down the scent in the air started changing, smelling almost like something rotting

'It smells rancid, I better hurry up before I throw up' you hurried and opened the door at the end of the stairwell

~ 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 ~ Lady Dimitrescu x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now