Chapter 44

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As soon as the charms stopped glowing, Pyro and Eclipse showed up with Dean and Solar. But that's also when Zoya showed up beside me hugging me.

As Pyro and Eclipse showed up with Dean and Solar, the atmosphere around me shifted from tense to relieved. I could feel the weight lifted off my shoulders as I saw the familiar faces of my friends. Blossom quickly approached me, checking to make sure that I was okay.

Pyro, Eclipse, and Solar all looked a bit shaken, but relieved as well. They quickly gathered around me and Blossom, asking if I was okay and what had happened. I explained everything that had occurred, from the arrival of the strange creatures to the use of the charms to protect myself.

Dean listened intently, his face serious as he took in the information. He then turned to Pyro, Eclipse, and Solar, asking them if they had encountered anything like this before. They shook their heads, indicating that this was a new experience for them as well.

Dean took a deep breath, then turned back to me and the others. He thanked me all for my quick thinking and bravery, stating that I had all saved each other's lives. He then suggested that we all make our way back to the safety of our homes, as it was clear that there was something dangerous lurking in the area.

With that, we all began to make our way back, sticking together closely as we navigated the dark and eerie surroundings. Despite the danger I had faced, I felt a sense of camaraderie and strength in the face of adversity, knowing that we had each other's backs.

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