Chapter 22

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On our way back to the village I stopped walking and looked at Zoya. "What are your powers?" I asked. "Life and yours?" Zoya replied with. "Beauty and love," I said back as I looked at her.

Zoya looked at me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Beauty and love?" she repeated. "That's an interesting combination."

I shrugged. "It's not as impressive as life, but it has its uses," I said. "I can create illusions that make people see the beauty in everything around them, and I can inspire feelings of love and kindness in those who are open to it."

Zoya nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds like a pretty powerful gift," she said. "I can use my powers to heal and restore life to those who are injured or sick. It's a lot of responsibility, but it's also incredibly rewarding."

I smiled. "It sounds like we make a good team," I said.

Zoya smiled back. "I think so too," she said.

As we continued walking, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With Zoya by my side and our combined powers, I knew that we could accomplish great things. The mission ahead of us was daunting, but I felt ready to face it head on.

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