Chapter 16

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As the group prepared to set up camp for the night, they were approached by an elderly man who introduced himself as the village elder.

"Thank you for your help," the elder said, his voice filled with gratitude. "We are indebted to you."

"It was our pleasure," Solar replied. "We're just glad we could help."

"I must warn you, though," the elder said, his expression turning serious. "The forest is not safe. There are many dangers lurking in the shadows, and the Black Dragon Society is always watching."

"We've already had a run-in with them," Pyro said, his voice tense.

"I see," the elder said, nodding his head. "Then you must be careful. The Black Dragon Society will stop at nothing to achieve their goals."

The group nodded in agreement, their thoughts racing with the implications of what they had just learned. The forest seemed to be closing in around them once again, and they couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched.

As they settled down for the night, they kept their guard up, their weapons close at hand. They knew that the forest was full of dangers, but they were determined to face them head-on, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

With a sense of determination and purpose, the group drifted off to sleep, ready for whatever the forest had in store for them next.

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