Chapter 15

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We continued our way out of the forest to a small village. Part of the village looked destroyed.

"I know this village," Blossom said. With that Blossom and Dean took off to find people. "Wait for us," Pyro said as we ran after the two.

As we approached the destroyed part of the village, we could see that the buildings had been ravaged by fire and that the streets were littered with debris.

Blossom and Dean searched through the rubble, calling out for survivors. Pyro and the others followed closely behind, ready to help in any way we could.

After a few minutes of searching, they heard a faint cry for help coming from one of the buildings. Without hesitation, we rushed towards the sound, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Inside the building, we found a group of villagers huddled together, their faces marked with fear and desperation. They had been trapped inside the burning building, and they were on the verge of collapse.

"Quick, we need to get them out of here," Dean said, his voice urgent. "Pyro, can you create a path for us?" I asked.

Pyro nodded, summoning a burst of flames that cleared a path through the burning debris. We all worked together, carrying the villagers out of the building and to safety.

As we emerged from the building, we could see that more villagers had gathered around, their faces filled with gratitude and relief.

"Thank you," one of the villagers said, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you for saving us," another said.

"We couldn't just leave you here," Blossom replied, her voice gentle. "We're here to help."

We spent the rest of the day helping the villagers, putting out fires and clearing debris. By the end of the day, the village was in a much better state, and the villagers were filled with hope and gratitude.

As they settled down for the night, the group couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in their ability to help those in need. The forest may be filled with danger, but they knew that they were making a difference, one village at a time.

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