Chapter 9: the surprise

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Morning arose and it was a quiet and peaceful morning. I yawned and saw a female with red hair and emerald eyes staring at me and my new friends.

"Who are you?" The red head female had asked while staring at me. "I'm Grace the goddess of love and beauty but I also can give growth to those who need it I protect the mortals from any harm if I'm able to," I said.

"The goddess?" The red hair asked and I had nod my head. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Blossom, my friend Dean is the one over there reading a book on a rock," Blossom spoke.

"It's nice to meet you, Blossom," I said with a smile. "And your friend Dean, is he a mortal?"

Blossom nodded. "Yes, he is. But he's also a scholar and a seeker of knowledge. He's been studying ancient texts and legends, trying to uncover the secrets of the universe."

"That sounds fascinating," I said. "I would love to meet him and hear about his findings. Perhaps I can even offer some insight or guidance, as a goddess of knowledge and growth."

Blossom smiled. "I'm sure he would be delighted to meet you. He's always eager to learn from anyone who has wisdom to share."

As we walked over to where Dean was reading, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected encounter. It's moments like these that remind me of why I left my old life and embarked on this new adventure. There are always new people to meet, new things to learn, and new ways to grow and evolve.

Soon Pyro, Eclipse, and Solar woke up then came up to me, Blossom, and Dean. "Your elemental master as well aren't you?" Pyro spoke. Blossom and Dean both smiled and nod. "Yes, I have the power of nature while Dean has the power of energy," Blossom said.

"That's impressive," I said. "The power of nature and energy are vital to the balance and harmony of the universe. How do you use your powers?"

Blossom replied, "I can control the elements of nature, such as earth, water, air, and plants. I can also communicate with animals and use their powers to aid me."

Dean added, "And I can manipulate energy in all its forms, from electricity to light to sound. I can sense and harness the energy of the universe to create powerful blasts or shields."

Pyro nodded. "Your powers would be a valuable addition to our group. With our combined abilities, we can protect the world from threats and bring peace and prosperity to all."

Solar added, "And with Grace's power of love and beauty, we can inspire and uplift others, and help heal the wounds of the world."

I smiled. "Together, we can do great things and make a positive impact. Let's work together to fulfill our destinies and make the world a better place."

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