Chapter 24

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The villagers had told us that it's time for dinner so we all sat with the villagers well except for me and Zoya. Zoya was new and some of the villagers didn't know if they could trust her as for me they were still trying to get used to knowing that I was also a goddess.

As the villagers settled in for dinner, my teammates and I looked at each other giving small glances. It was clear that we were outsiders but mine and Zoya's presence seemed to be causing some discomfort among the villagers.

I felt a pang of sadness as I thought about how much things had changed since I first came to this realm. When I had first arrived, I had been welcomed with open arms by the people here. But now, that Zoya had shown up people didn't seem to be a fan or know what to do they seemed nervous.

Zoya seemed to sense my unease, and she reached out to touch my arm in a gesture of comfort. "Don't worry," she whispered. "We'll win their trust eventually."

I smiled gratefully at her, feeling a sense of warmth and connection that I couldn't quite explain. There was something about Zoya that made me feel safe and understood, even in the midst of uncertainty.

As we sat on the outskirts of the dinner gathering, I couldn't help but think about the challenges that lay ahead. But with Zoya by my side, and the support of my teammates, I felt ready to face whatever came our way.

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