Chapter 6: Meeting someone new

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Pyro and I decided to walk to the city to see how bad the damage was but once we had arrived nothing seemed to be destroyed.

"We should start looking around let me know if you find any of the others with elemental powers," I said. Pyro nod and we both split up.

I could feel a lot of eyes on me as if they were in disbelief that they could see a goddess. One person in particular caught my eye she was with a male they both were wearing yin yang colors. I decided to follow them.

As I followed them and stayed a good distance away that's when Pyro showed up in front of them. "Wait before you run listen our world needs help its about to disappear for good please," Pyro spoke.

The male and female looked at Pyro in shock and confusion. "What do you mean, disappear?" the male asked.

I sighed heavily. "Our world is dying. The balance between light and dark has been disrupted, and we need your help to restore it."

The female spoke up, "How can we help? We're just two ordinary people."

Pyro and I looked at them both with determination in our eyes. "You both possess a unique energy within you that can help restore the balance. We need you to come with us and help us save our world," I spoke.

The male and female looked at each other, hesitant. "We don't even know who you are," the male said.

I nodded in understanding. "I am Pyro master of fire and she is the goddess Grace." Pyro said, looking directly at the female and male. "Together, we can restore the balance and save our world."

The female looked at me with a mix of fear and curiosity. "How do we know we can trust you?"

I smiled reassuringly. "You'll just have to trust me. Our world is in grave danger, and we need your help. Will you come with us?"

The male and female looked at each other, then back at me and Pyro. They shared a silent nod, and then followed us into the an alley way, ready to do whatever it takes to save their world.

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