Chapter 12: The first save

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Morning arose once again but the quietness was gone. I could hear someone screaming in the distance it sounded like someone endangered.

Me, Pyro, Eclipse, Dean, Blossom, and Solar all got to our feets and went to where we heard the screaming.

As we hurried towards the source of the screams, we could hear the sound of rustling bushes and twigs snapping underfoot. The commotion seemed to be getting closer.

As we rounded a bend in the trail, we saw a young woman being chased by a pack of wild wolves. The woman was screaming for help, her panicked voice echoing through the forest.

Without hesitation, Pyro and Solar moved to intercept the wolves, while the others helped the woman to safety. Pyro summoned a burst of flame, scaring the wolves away from the frightened woman. Solar used his mastery over the light to create a gust of brightness, scaring the wolves back and giving Pyro the chance to strike them with his flames.

The group managed to fend off the wolves, and the woman was able to escape unharmed. She thanked the us profusely, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you so much," she said, her voice trembling. "I thought I was going to die out here."

"You're safe now," Dean reassured her. "We'll help you get back to civilization."

We escorted the woman back to the nearest town, making sure she was safe and sound before continuing on their journey. As we walked, we couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in our abilities and our willingness to help those in need.

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