Chapter 23

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Me and Zoya had finally gotten to the village where my team mates where waiting. "There you are Grace." "Where did you go?" One said after another.

"I felt another presence of strong powers and when I went to check it out I found Zoya she's one of the other goddesses from my realm," I said. My face heat up a bit after realizing I was glancing at Zoya throughout my whole sentence.

Your teammates looked at Zoya with surprise and curiosity as they listened to your explanation. "Another goddess?" one of them repeated. "What is she doing here?"

I introduced Zoya to my teammates and explained that she had been sent by the high god to help us with our mission. As I spoke, I couldn't help but notice the way that Zoya seemed to capture the attention of everyone around her. Her beauty and grace were undeniable, and I found myself feeling grateful to have her by my side.

As the conversation continued, I realized that I was staring at Zoya more than was probably appropriate. I felt my face heat up and quickly looked away, hoping that no one had noticed.

Thankfully, my teammates seemed more focused on the task at hand than on my awkward behavior. We discussed our plan of action and the role that each of us would play in completing the mission. With Zoya's help, I felt more confident than ever that we could succeed.

As we set out on our journey, I couldn't help but steal glances at Zoya out of the corner of my eye. There was something about her that drew me in, and I was eager to get to know her better.

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