Chapter 36

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Dean and Solar had looked at me and Zoya. "I think we've gone far enough for our journies if you ever need anything use this to contact us," Solar said as he handed me a yin yang charm then Dean and Blossom both handed me a nature and energy charm.

Eclipse hugged me then she hugged Zoya. Pyro handed me a small chain that looked like it was either a bracelet or necklace then she handed me a fire charm. "Since we are giving each other something to contact if ever an emergency," Zoya said as she handed everyone a baby rose charm. "Once you use it, the petals will bloom on it I'll be watching in the gods and goddesses realm," Zoya spoke.

I grabbed my side bag that I always had on me and pulled out some feather charms and handed one to everyone, "if you're ever in danger, scared, hurt, or anything and you need help use those and say my name I'll appear right in front of you."

Blossom smiled, "I have something for all of you too." She pulled out a small pouch filled with seeds. "These are special seeds I've been saving. If you ever need to find me, just plant one of these and I'll know where to find you."

We all exchanged hugs and heartfelt thanks, knowing that our bond had only grown stronger through our shared experiences. As we parted ways, we knew that our paths would cross again. We were a family, and no matter what the future held, we would always be there for each other.

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