😵‍💫Chap.13: Emotional😵‍💫

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After an hour or so I had stopped crying and somehow managed to collect myself, Jisoo never leaving my side

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After an hour or so I had stopped crying and somehow managed to collect myself, Jisoo never leaving my side. It was weird.
Having someone by my side like this, without any other intentions than caring about me, it was very weird.
I had been on my own from years already and I have gotten kinda used to it and having someone by my side was making it hard for me to keep it together.

«Shall we go for a walk?» Jisoo proposed me as she held a tissue to my nose to clean it while I hummed for some unknown reason now mad
We stood up straight and Jisoo said «I hope you don't think bad of me for my course of actions. But someone needs to take these kind of decisions and you aren't in the right mind to do that.»
I hummed as we walked out the office «I know you did the right thing. Bit it's harsh and mean. You don't know what we went through, you don't know us, you can't decide about us. But I do understand, I am well aware, that this will only do us good. Especially for Ireshi. It'll be helpful even for when we meet my parents finally.»
Jisoo asked me confused «She hasn't met them?»
I shrugged «Kinda. She did. When she was born, but we came here when she was one week old so, yeah. It's like she didn't really met them. I've sent them pictures through the years, but from random places and they couldn't contact me back. I promised I would have contacted them and allowed them to visit once I was settled and well. I didn't expect 3 years to go by this quickly. I miss them... I really do...» my eyes started watering «I just wish things were different, he ruined my life.»
Jisoo asked «I know it's a touchy subject and you're really emotional but, why would you need to ran from him?»
I bit my lower lip and started shaking a little at the memory «H-He swore that once the baby would have been born... H-He... H-He w-would have come back... To r-rape me again... To put another baby in me... And to keep g-going like that, until I e-either died or he got tired... I couldn't a-allow that... He already did too much damage...»
From the corner of my eyes I could see Jisoo flared nostrils and clenched fists, a vein popping on her neck, she was mad, making my mad and light fear turn into terror and worry «Tell me his name. What else did he do?»
I looked down, I had already told her some heavy stuff, some more was nothing at this point «H-He... When I found out he was cheating on me... Getting other girls pregnant and abandoning them... To look for at least a proof... I uh... I kinda trashed his place... Before the first... The first...»
«Rape.» she said and I nodded
«Yeah... And he hates spending money so, h-he wanted me to repay him... And he chose to... Gosh I'm disgusting, I'm so ashamed...» I hugged myself but went on all in one quick breath «He threatened me and decided to sell my body to people to do whatever they wanted... It was a long month and a half... I-I've endured the crazy requests... The beatings... The insults... The r-rapes... The "Gran Finale"... When he impregnated me...»

I stopped in my walking and kept my gaze on the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks, as I hugged myself tighter, trying to stop the shaking and the memories. I didn't dare to look at Jisoo. She was probably furious and most likely disgusted by me. Hopefully she didn't kick us out, I would have never forgave myself...
«Lalisa.» she said darkly making me flinch and protect myself, afraid she might hit me «Tell me. The. Name. Everything you know about him.»
I looked up at her afraid «K-Kang Seungyoon...»
«Tell me more. I need to know more.» she said but I shook my head, I couldn't say anything else. I knew more of course but I couldn't bring myself to say anything else about him. It was hard enough to say his name alone.

Rock-A-Bye//Lisoo 리수Where stories live. Discover now